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Everything posted by Gravity

  1. lets hope it does
  2. @Kyle.
  3. Highest offer rn is 4 mil
  4. Me and @Kyle. Enterprises will pay top dollar, far above what the above scrubs even have. That's the Tree guarantee.
  5. @Colt ok ok you get today off but your mowin them damn lawns tomorrow and this fuck @Cats litterbox is full so get that too. But today enjoy your birthday inactive whore

  6. Gravity

    WTB Warpoints

    LMAO YOU'RE RETARDED did me offering people more money for the items you want really hurt you that bad? and im not permd this is just an alt you retard hahaha, and u havnt dropped me at all cuz i havnt played this acc in a good 2 months
  7. Gravity

    WTB Warpoints

    first of hes salty cuz im tryna steal his deals youre a nobody? who is a somebody? what are the qualifications? your a fucking bum dude get a life lmao
  8. you are very fucking stupid
  9. ill buy it for 3
  10. @Kyle. will pay more for the warpoints than this guy can
  11. Gravity

    WTB Warpoints

    suck a nut retard
  12. https://steamcommunity.com/id/silvergorilla25/
  13. Gravity


    you telling @Nightingale you killed his family everytime u come home from the army lmao
  14. buying whatever warpoints ur gonna sell this guyfor more than he'll pay (not trolling)
  15. Gravity

    Selling Zafir

    3 mil
  16. @Hylos you a bitch if u dont clap back
  17. 3 mil
  18. yo someone give this man @Hadi Mokdad admin already. fastest fucking mod ever

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Danger


      Haha, yeah hes a boss

    3. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      @Hadi Mokdad suprised you move so fast with the afiun in lebanon

  19. what are u selling
  20. his point is exactly what he said its terrible
  21. pm me ill do a fed with u
  22. doesnt have anything to say back to the argument so results to meaningless insults "TaKe ThIs OuT oF yOuR dEsC" cringey ass kid and what are the guidelines to having an opinion that matters im curious @Proud
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