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Everything posted by Tyronee

  1. @ Cooper:P  Happy birthday you baboon

  2. NOW I can share the house map with you...
  3. Just for those who seem to not have read this part... These rules are being implemented into the APD Master Handbook due to an increase in the success rate of Federal Events recently. Hopefully, this allows the APD to have a realistic chance at countering a Federal Event in an attempt to make the win rate more reasonable. These rules are flexible and can change or be removed at that point. APD officers are to use common sense when utilizing these rules, they should be used when the APD is at a significant disadvantage. APD officers that are found to be abusing these rules will face disciplinary action.
  4. o7 @ 1thedoc always had a blast playing with you.

  5. Tyronee


    o7 papa bless
  6. o7 @ ThatNerdyGuy  now that's a wawawo...

  7. Tyronee

    WTS envg

    sorry sold mine like a week ago
  8. Tyronee

    WTS envg

    yes and i can bring em to you if you want
  9. Tyronee

    WTS envg

    nah bough it from doc for 3m and then just left em in my house for like 2-4 months... and since i dont really play civ anymore why not sell em xD
  10. Tyronee

    WTS envg

    Got a pair of envg to sell for 3m if anyone wants
  11. Grats my good sir @1thedoc

    1. 1thedoc


      thanks man 

  12. This might not be worth much but I still find it pretty cool to find all of these things in gree/black key card rooms alone. https://gyazo.com/4176f8a988d042ea792d0be4ee86fc19

    1. Drippp


      Green and blue were so mint when they added those new stims

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