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Everything posted by Drippp

  1. Drippp


    You the boy you funny bastard
  2. Any good websites to watch movies/tv on?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gaetano
    3. Monks




      *not a joke it's actually pretty good when u get past all the ads*

    4. Joce
  3. Happy bday to the butter stick eating champ of the world @c0zza

  4. That’s so fucking bad
  5. F6B748E8-0417-46C8-813D-FD8557A80748.gif.80341b5eb6553793558dbff0783e9f59.gif@Kamikaze happy bday chief 

    1. c0zza


      stfu old man

    2. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      moderator dripp this isnt a good look on your portfolio

  6. That’s weird I haven’t received the 5 mill you promised me for the false ban @Headless

  7. @Headless stop hitting me and evan off thx

  8. You are alright doe, you work and don’t spend your day making idiotic posts on the forums. Also you have saved yourself over 200k by not having gremlins so good for you
  9. Nice profile picture emo weirdo. If you were old enough to be goth in the 90s then I have the feeling you are too old to be playing video games. Go start a family or something bro
  10. I’m not talking to you emo weirdo
  11. Tell me where I said I wasn’t gonna play anymore, I literally said I was still going to play on the thread... besides it’s not like I play offline everyone knew I was on
  12. No can do sir, they have 24 hours before I take over the servers mainframe and change the donation location to my private offshore bank account
  13. Everyone on Olympus knows I’m close with lizard squad stop the speculation. This is what they get for putting the mystery machine frit behind a paywall. I gave them many warnings and they did not listen so I called in my shooters.
  14. What’s a good graphics card that does not cost $1,000+

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Mike Lit

      Mike Lit

      I bought the 2080 super back in February and it’s been a really good card, but I wish I would have saved the $200-$300 and just went with the 2070 super. There’s not much of a difference in performance between the 2 cards and imo the 2080 super isn’t worth the extra money. Go for the 2070 super or wait a couple of months for the new cards to release.

    3. Drippp


      Won’t the new cards cost an arm and a leg? 

    4. Mike Lit
  15. Ahhh yes 16 shots of m62 to the face still no kill


    1. Jerrod


      you blicked that nigga like 9 times wtf

    2. Drippp


      Hit count was 16 and he was the only person I shot lmao just a better npc

  16. Wearing a mask to prevent corona virus is like setting up a chain link fence to keep mosquitos out of your yard
  17. Downvote elements montage and like mine he got big nostrils 

  18. selling 150 wp

    1. Noahhh!
    2. Drippp


      doesnt matter i literally have $0 and would like to still play every now and then so

    3. Drippp


      Drippp#5060 just message me on discord

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