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APD Officer
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Status Replies posted by Strae

  1. is the fed dome destructible with AT rounds?

  2. For those that don't know the eye rape Dispersion theme can broswe past page one of status updates.

    Keep on @ing@Ryan until he fixes the superior Dark Theme /o/

  3. @Strae I like your profile picture! 😽

  4. Due to unforeseen issues as a result of additional testing  Sahrani will be delayed for additional development. Today's scheduled conquest will be on Malden instead, we're sorry for the inconvenience. 

  5. [OS] should make a gang blitz roster 

  6. 46ca9385a1f80aaf37169220ab8c324b.jpg

    yooooo new clothing store in the mountains 💯

  7. Congratulations on mod @David Miller @Millennium @Strae @Regal @Hurricane @Noahhh! I know you'll be good lads. 🥰

  8. Ghosthawk giveaway is up on the Olympus Discord btw

  9. Unperm me @Headless, i'll get these niggas all getting perm'd into shape, just give me access to talk in side chat😎

  10. Again, I remind you it's 2020. Please, for the love of my eyes, stop recording in 480p. 


    Also, congrats @Jig

  11. d21b9cf969207dfd1438f9904bbac71d.pngbro yall do know the people your accusing of cheating were IN FUCKING NOBLE??? LMAOOOOOO

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