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Everything posted by Lucki

  1. We should probably remove @Plumber's mod powers for the night...
  2. I hope you have an extra virgin day today... with plenty of dicks.

    1. Plumber


      If the virginity part was true than plenty of dicks wouldn't matter. Can't say the same on your end you dude banger.

  3. That fatty shotgun. Based off this video, we might have to open up a lag switch investigation against @CmStorm...
  4. Did you ever stop for a second to think that instead of it being 2 desyncing players, that it was only one... and that it wasn't the cops, but instead you that was desyncing? Couple of things that reinforce that. That particular cop doesn't have any admin powers, and isn't able to teleport. The SUV goes into the pole, and bounces back into proper place once you finally "re-sync" Your buddy's hex begins to spaz out briefly at the same time.
  5. Well, someones going to ask... how/why did that happen?
  6. 10K each. Meet me at Kavala HQ.
  7. Wtf is this shit b7dc9c6c0f186f855f0cfab6dd94b889.png

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. 3 Rip

      3 Rip

      They reset every month don't they?

    3. Dangus


      @3 Rip they don't reset every month. I've had the game a while and my stats haven't restarted until now I guess.

    4. 3 Rip

      3 Rip

      The stats reset every so often i forgot the exact time then if its not a month

  8. I like to think of it this way... we all have reputations on olympus. If someone takes comp and then still reports you, that person just put a stain on their reputation. Not only will they be less likely to ever receive comp in the future (as all other players will be wary), that person may also be more likely to get revenge reported on. Remember, what goes around comes around. If you want to take comp and submit on someone, don't be surprised if that ends up happening to you in the future.
  9. Why the hell would you have done that?
  10. Guess I should do the same since he did it for me...


  11. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes and congratulations yesterday! Guess the OS present to me was to make me mod :) 

    Hope I can live up to the expectations...

    1. DeadPool


      Just do events and you will

  12. Not even. There have been plenty of times where I connected to a server, saw something like "Download our easy to use all in one installer..." and I just "Nope" out of it, never to look at it again
  13. Is it possible to have mods on a server that add functionality, but people would still be able to join without the mods? So if people want the additional features, they need to go and download them, but otherwise they still have all the regular altis life stuff?
  14. Lucki


    Goodbye Fuzy, I was never sure of how to properly pronounce your name... O7
  15. See my earlier post. The hard R makes no difference. If you say any variation of "nig" in a true urban area, you're going to get some shit, if not your ass beat. You won't have a chance to explain yourself, and you certainly won't win any resulting argument. Best recommendation, if you didn't earn the right to say it, avoid using it. Otherwise, its going to end up becoming a part of your common vocabulary and you'll end up using it in the wrong place at the wrong time. I've seen it happen, it ain't pretty. Just some good advice for RL.
  16. Its not just black people. Its pretty much anyone that grew up in the hood. Growing up in the hood changes you and unites a group of people. Those people earn the right to say "nigga" without reprisal. 99% of the people on Olympus didn't grow up "in the hood", and judging by your reasoning, neither did you. I'm from Chicago and teach in a low income, semi-"ghetto" school. I don't use the word, but I don't give my students shit for using it. They earned it through their hardships.
  17. Or Peter Long.
  18. I can guarantee that it wasn't me. I haven't been in a prowler in a few weeks, and I haven't logged on as a civ in probably a couple months.
    1. Orgondo


      That is the most godly thing i've ever seen


    2. PoptartRex


      @Orgondo You should've heard the squeal that came from Lucki when he hit the shot. 


      Legend has it that @Plumber's ears are still in recovery to this day...

    3. Plumber


      Yeah why do you think I have to type in TS for now on. Can't get surgery to fix my eardrum till Friday.

  19. Looks cool, have any samples made already? What colors do you have?
  20. Yeah, your technique was getting a pizza delivered to a Sr's job.
  21. Can they be picked up after being placed?
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