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Everything posted by Revise

  1. if it was a adr taser then sure but a adr isnt worth anything.
  2. should be a dark mode for stats page.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ryan


      You’re all asking too much of @Zahzi the poor lad barely can figure out how to open teamspeak 

    3. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      @Zahzi get to typing kid

    4. Azeh
  3. I will never understand why people get permed to o7, just don’t be a fuckboy and leave.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Clashingtin


      🙂 ive had my share on olympus been permed about 6 times 

    3. Clashingtin


      hopefully this time for good

    4. Linka


      @Ryan if u get permed multiple times ur kinda retarded 

  4. I’m basing my facts off of old staff so I may be wrong, I was told this when mav and all of them were around of course that was several months ago.
  5. Don't think staff would tell you that considering the bet is based on trust and anyone including staff could yoink the money as a middle man as it's not against the rules.
  6. I was active but then a thing happened so just play civ now.
  7. Revise


    o7 dude had a lot of fun playing with ya, Good luck in your future nerd.
  8. I love how people hate on trump but always provide nothing but allegations. People always ask for proof of when hes doing these "bad things" but people just dodge the question.
  9. Used to give my opinion when i was support. They come in the channel looking for help and not something a bot could do, you just tell them that it is your personal opinion and not staff and that it is ultimately up to staff discretion. Half of the support issues i hear are also support members moving someone in and saying "what do you want??" and also half of the support team not knowing simple rules. so i can understand why they are not allowed to give opinions.
  10. o7 medic twas fun.

    1. Richard


      You didn’t even die.  You clearly have god mode on.  Ban this man for hacking!!!

  11. o7 @Kyle Lake ,  "The Best Druid Ever"

  12. happy birthday @Lime i hope you get mapped by a shotty

    1. Lime


      Don't worry, the 725 is already kicking my ass in MW 🤠

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