I didn’t know that, now I do. I would say that’s a yikes but getting kicked out is essentially just leaving as them not being active was the cause of them getting kicked.
I would be down with buying CSAT for money, but 30k is way too low, atleast 75k to match the approximate warpoint to cash exchange rate. There value is good right now, and an alternative via cash without using a middle man could be useful.
I don’t know what you guys are talking about, I have been playing for a year know and, if you don’t prioritize this any more than a game, you will be fine.
Teamspeak is better when you are actually playing with this large of a community. But I think discord has a plus in the sense that if you put notifications on there it is very easy to access whilst not at your computer. So if you use it for notifications, not sure what those app would intail, that would be great.
Wasn’t really a skilled moment, but when i crashed my heli and it landed inside of the power lines without even a rotor tap. The tail was just perfectly fit in there.