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Jimmy Jarvis

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Status Replies posted by Jimmy Jarvis

  1. Gang wars prize pool has been updated on the post :P 

    1. Jimmy Jarvis

      Jimmy Jarvis

      @Ryan think about how much 4 mil per player will mess up the economy of players that will use it on cartel fights anyway it's not as much as it looks

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  2. typhon banwave v2 babyyyy

  3. cheating loser as well you are dogshit keep downvoting me kid get a life

    1. Jimmy Jarvis

      Jimmy Jarvis

      Unlucky the retard ran out of things to say go back to lurking the forums 

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  4. cheating loser as well you are dogshit keep downvoting me kid get a life

    1. Jimmy Jarvis

      Jimmy Jarvis

      yoo that's crazy bro!? you've been going to your friends house to play dungeons and dragons for 5 years?!?! 

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  5. cheating loser as well you are dogshit keep downvoting me kid get a life

    1. Jimmy Jarvis

      Jimmy Jarvis

      Looks like you ran out of things to say, imagine quitting arma to play minecraft and then try to flex some imaginary new found social life

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  6. cheating loser as well you are dogshit keep downvoting me kid get a life

    1. Jimmy Jarvis

      Jimmy Jarvis

      Stop trying to change my jokes slightly and use it against me in an attempt to be funny you chipmunk sized brain retard, your dad smacked you across the head a few too many times as a child 

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  7. cheating loser as well you are dogshit keep downvoting me kid get a life

    1. Jimmy Jarvis

      Jimmy Jarvis

      sucks at olympus yea nice one shave that neckbeard  and brush those corn pieces what you call teeth in your mouth before you call anyone a virgin

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  8. cheating loser as well you are dogshit keep downvoting me kid get a life

    1. Jimmy Jarvis

      Jimmy Jarvis

      Borax don't speak to me you're possibly the worst player I've come across in this game and possibly the biggest retard I've came across online

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  9. cheating loser as well you are dogshit keep downvoting me kid get a life

    1. Jimmy Jarvis

      Jimmy Jarvis

      tbf parker was better than all of you kids when he was legit

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  10. Sorry for the spotty restarts and fixes. One little comma and a bracket fucked over quite a bit. Should be good now. 

    The REAL mission file update with the content should be later tonight after some testing. 

  11. Just been invited to the ghost recon break point technical test, it's a closed NDA confidential release tester, I can invite 3 other ppl, who's interested to play? Strictly now streaming or video captures allowed, opens this friday for weekend. 

  12. Just been invited to the ghost recon break point technical test, it's a closed NDA confidential release tester, I can invite 3 other ppl, who's interested to play? Strictly now streaming or video captures allowed, opens this friday for weekend. 

  13. @Pledge come back you kept the APD in check now you guys got mongs raided war zone every 20 seconds when people are trying to fight

  14. Just been invited to the ghost recon break point technical test, it's a closed NDA confidential release tester, I can invite 3 other ppl, who's interested to play? Strictly now streaming or video captures allowed, opens this friday for weekend. 

  15. @Pledge come back you kept the APD in check now you guys got mongs raided war zone every 20 seconds when people are trying to fight

    1. Jimmy Jarvis

      Jimmy Jarvis

      Cops pay just about or above 100k for a loadout and make an average of 200k per lethal that means if you are in anyway decent and get atleast 1 kill for every death you're making 100k profit per life which is about 400k above what civ's win by dying in wz

    2. (See 42 other replies to this status update)

  16. @Pledge come back you kept the APD in check now you guys got mongs raided war zone every 20 seconds when people are trying to fight

    1. Jimmy Jarvis

      Jimmy Jarvis

      Cops literally said at the start of the meeting most of the time they come to WZ cause of people texting dispatch which is PC so removing raiding without PC would literally do nothing 

    2. (See 42 other replies to this status update)

  17. @Corporal Moob For God and Ulster sir


  18. @Millennium ever come at my boy @thor again ill leak ur moms nudes u fuckin whale of a human

  19. @Jimmy Jarvis lol happy 18 what did you do for your birthday sit at home and play arma lol home schooled wooden teeth retard 

  20. @Jimmy Jarvis lol happy 18 what did you do for your birthday sit at home and play arma lol home schooled wooden teeth retard 

  21. @Jimmy Jarvis lol happy 18 what did you do for your birthday sit at home and play arma lol home schooled wooden teeth retard 

  22. @Jimmy Jarvis lol happy 18 what did you do for your birthday sit at home and play arma lol home schooled wooden teeth retard 

  23. @Jimmy Jarvis lol happy 18 what did you do for your birthday sit at home and play arma lol home schooled wooden teeth retard 

    1. Jimmy Jarvis

      Jimmy Jarvis

      You're a retard it's not like the photo of me that was posted is me beside two girls? get off the forums pizza face and stop trying to act cool

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  24. @Jimmy Jarvis lol happy 18 what did you do for your birthday sit at home and play arma lol home schooled wooden teeth retard 

    1. Jimmy Jarvis

      Jimmy Jarvis

      My birthday isn't til November you freak you have 2k hours on this server and you still get turned on everyday you play we get it you took a 1 week break you chad you're still an unsocial retard

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

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