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Everything posted by Metal

  1. Best advice, stay out of Kav, avoid anyone with the [DB] tag, and don't blow all your money on expensive rebel gear if you don't have the funds.
  2. Metal


    It was nice knowing you my guy, so sorry you got fucked over by fuckheads, gl with life and beyond! o7
  3. This of you who like RimWorld, I’d appreciate it if you come check out my small time streamer buddy.


  4. https://steamcommunity.com/id/metalmaxdog
  5. Met this fucker randomly @ IEM Chicago 2019



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      idk what this means

    3. ThatNerdyGuy


      54 minutes ago, Vis said:

      Why are you wearing cargo shorts, so unfashionable 

      What are you dissing on cargo shorts for?

    4. zoomzooooooom


      1 hour ago, Vis said:

      Why are you wearing cargo shorts, so unfashionable 

      cargo shorts with a polo hoodie or shirt and you got the juice

  6. Anybody down for GTA Online? Bored as hell and need money for the new update coming out Tuesday 

  7. Back when I first joined RnR I made 13 mil my first few weeks, but that was a looooong time ago, I still get money if I play for a few hours, 300k average and 700k when it’s really chaotic, but god damn, I miss the good ole days where you had 8-12 revives on the map constantly.
  8. I ain’t gonna lie, I’m not a good ghawk pilot (yet), but I’m glad I could provide some entertainment
  9. Jk love you guys, take all the time you need
  10. Should probably delete my "homework" folder


  11. Back to the grind

  12. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/id/metalmaxdog/#sort=order
  13. Well, its that time of year again, so here is the schedule for E3 2019: Source: https://www.gamesradar.com/e3-2019-schedule/
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  14. Damn @Ryan really enforcing teamspeak huh?

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