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Everything posted by Metal

  1. Hey does anyone know how to turn off the hud, I wanna get a nice photo for my profile cover photo, but the stats on the bottom right are buggin me. Anyone know how to disable it for a moment while i get the picture?

  2. To be honest I’m the same except, nobody knows what happens when you die, is God real? Is there actually a heaven and hell? Reincarnation? What? Does your soul go into a new person and it’s just you forgetting all your memories and that why we cry when we’re born?
  3. (Sigh) Arma just hates me.

    1. Super_Nova


      Should've left the reaction smh

    2. Metal
    3. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      23 minutes ago, Super_Nova said:

      Should've left the reaction smh

      It was just me telling everyone it was a bug tbh


  4. @Ares Love you fam <3

    1. Ryan
    2. Metal


      Changed my name for me

  5. Congrats on Corp! Still gotta be afraid of Kav tho.

    1. Rossco


      Even more than before mate!

  6. Y’all just ever accidentally fix your sleep schedule and confused as fuck when you wake up and the sun it out?

  7. It’s amazing how toxic some people are. 


  8. The Fortnite Killer



    The Division 2 Private Beta!


    1. iPopsicle


      Can't watch the stream @ work but how much better is it compared to the last division?

    2. Metal


      Smarter AI, they are no longer bullet sponges, but you need to break off their Armor. They actually flank you, better gunplay, better sounds, not everything is covered in the fucking snow

  10. After Work Grind!


  11. Bro I just seen you a couple of minutes ago through your window, can you please check my ban appeal?

  12. Hey guys, my buddy here is really close to affiliate, I’d appreciate if you guys could help him with the final push!


  13. @Yay Obamacare That's what you fucking get.

  14. Wake up at 4:30 to snowblow my driveway because fuck Illinois weather, go to start my car, car won’t fucking start. Have to miss a day of work because I’d couldn’t get to work, then took a 4 hour nap so now my sleep schedule is fucked. Wanted to stream today can’t do that because THE FUCKING INTERNET WENT DOWN AND THE SERVICE GUY WONT BE HERE TIL TOMORROW.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Metal
    3. monster


      Sounds like you're having a fantastic day, keep it up!

    4. ItsGG


      Try being canadian

  15. Hey guys, would apreciate it if you check out a good friend of mine, hes working really hard ot get affiliate. Thanks again boys!


  16. We finally got Affiliate boys!


  17. We finally got Affiliate boys!


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