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About Jonathan02

  • Birthday 01/23/2002

Profile Information

  • Arma 3 Player ID
  • Olympus Gang
  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewhere in Alaska

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. https://gyazo.com/3fc5947da6d2f8ac69c0c23b49f535da
  2. upvote for your signature haha
  3. Whos that Jonathan guy you were trying to race? seems like a fag
  4. We didn't always get along ? but sad to see you leave o7 lad
  5. Log onto the TS and join the room titled R&R disciplinary room where a Sr Medic will pull you and talk to you. The room is right above where you waited for your test. Chances are you were not blacklisted if you haven't been talked to you someway or another, you may have been removed due to not putting in times or something along that matter.
  6. If anyone wants to watch the video he gave in his msg to Danger
  7. I never refresh the deed and i think it had like 3 days left lmao. Will those timers stop?
  8. rip my gang shed
  9. no im also almost positive this or something similar has been talked about before
  10. As my once superior i give you this o7
  11. If you want one the donation to get a profile song is a minimum of 500$
  12. Sounds a little like sports betting to me so sorry to most of the Olympus community 18 and older to participate
  13. The Baltimore Ravens, Just because half of their team is in jail/prison for "assault" does not mean we cant have a good season!
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