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Caleb Snackbar

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Everything posted by Caleb Snackbar

  1. Remove any form of damage to allow for more role play
  2. Would a “hands up or die” news message count as proper engagement against the whole server?

  3. You could always use backpacks, vans, box trucks, etc
  4. He’s saying don’t allow rpging etc of pharma trucks and other event vehicles
  5. If the video shows you spawning in or logging in it doesn’t have to be 5 minutes
  6. @ Legendary Aaron Rodgers about to roll into retirement with his last pass having been a game losing interception

  7. It’s called epi pens and dope crates
  8. To be fair the FiveM tiktoks with people role playing as police probably attracted some newer players to the game/game mode. Altis life could see a similar boost if they gained traction like those did
  9. Death ends the 5 minute engagement also just to clarify for him
  10. Can the wardrobe feature be added to garages as well?

  11. Is there a way to organize your garage?

    1. notsodank


      should be alphabetized 

    2. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      But if I want like say all my illegal vehicles at the bottom and all my legal ones at the top or just some special combination that makes it easier for me that’s not possible?

    3. ThatNerdyGuy
  12. You could make it so it requires a special text similar to the titan, then the fed gang are aware of the possibility of being rpged and can use multiple box trucks or something rather than one slow big truck
  13. The days where rpgs were used to destroy cop hunters/striders >
  14. So you are allowed to just shoot anyone that steals a vehicle you’re trying to steal?

  15. Discord messages are hard proof in the Olympus realm there's no beating them.
  16. So while on restrictions is there anyway to get comp from people or am I just meant to report anyone that breaks the rules against me

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Millennium


      Yeah I mean it does suck but it 100% guarantees you from getting money from friends and stuff that would completely make the restrictions worthless. You can already have loadouts bought for you but that's really about it.

    3. Ryan


      @ Skateezy  I have done double donations last year as well lol. Its the holidays, for the last 5 years I have always been generous during the holidays, believe me Olympus is def not struggling otherwise 😛 

    4. Mako


      @ Caleb Snackbar  https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Restrictions

      If you're looking to receive compensation via a dispute you can put in a compensation request and we'll subtract from their account to yours as you cannot receive compensation through disputes. Please make sure to get a written confirmation in the dispute regarding a transfer as well as document the dispute ID. This might change in the future as me might remove the restrictions of disputes for compensation so that restricted players can get hassle free compensation for rule breaks.

  17. Is workers protections' sell bonus of 20% considered a passive perk that people on restrictions don't receive?

    1. Lucien


      It's 15% and doesn't apply on restrictions 

  18. Why can’t people on restrictions gamble at all

    1. Millennium


      Because that would be a stupidly easy way to get money…

    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      because the people on restrictions know about the forbidden hadi backdoor casino dupe glitch. Us non restricted olympians know nothing of this.

  19. https://youtu.be/yoStmLcugV4
  20. Bold of you to assume that our addiction is limited to the game
  21. I lost 200mil at casino today
  22. Oil is a bad run
  23. o7
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