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Caleb Snackbar

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Everything posted by Caleb Snackbar

  1. Don’t jump
  2. Better be factions
  3. There was suppose to be daily events anyway I thought
  4. The hat could do with a bit more texturing but the uniform is nice
  5. Why can’t I open the bug tracker 

    1. DashTonic


      it doesnt like you

    2. Bloodmoon


      Submit it to the bug tracker :Kappa:

  6. If you have a friend give him keys then have him open and close inventory
  7. This will just make it worse don’t do this
  8. Nah seems okay
  9. Don’t make him come out of retirement
  10. There was no admins that did anything in this situation was just us messing around with the cops if he gets that mad over being shot at or being tased then he shouldn’t be playing
  11. Was fun while it lasted [ - ] had some of the most fun memeing around with mc flare and luke 

    1. Lukeee


      you're bad at cs

  12. Caleb Snackbar


    Never used it or planned on using it and I can just get one from a Blackwater
  13. Obviously it was a sapd as Gunhand stated
  14. I remember that was quite fun, we totally didn’t watch him get tased or anything and just come to hq because where else would they go
  15. Cyber Monday/Black Friday will have some good sales probably so just remember that cause you might be able to afford a better monitor for same price range then
  16. selling this moonshine house right dp 25 near rebel and south air, its a 4 crater, server 1 its the house in dp 25 not other one btw
  17. 5.75mil
  18. There are many more cartel fights on server 2, server 1 is just a meme and hang in kavala server. If you want real fights on server 2 cartels
  19. Server 1 kavala is full of vigis rule breakers and occasionally there will be some roleplay
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