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Caleb Snackbar

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Everything posted by Caleb Snackbar

  1. Why do all these juicy post keep getting deleted 

  2. Can the donation goal reward be removing vigi, k thx @McDili

  3. Post a thread saying remove vigis and you get all the forums rep
  4. Until he goes into pardon House and shoots up square till you lethal him
  5. Did they get rid of streams section or am I just blind, before it would show who’s streaming

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      Why I liked seeing who’s streaming and watching them 

    3. Pablo_Escobar


      Just to let you all know the Twitch stream plugin has been removed. It impacted our web server's performance terribly. Disabling this we went from using all four cores on our server to using only one. We apologize for the inconvenience. - Ignis 

    4. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      Is it permanent or will they be back later on 

  6. Only way someone should buy this is if they put it on a alt and the windows aren’t jumpable
  7. LOL 50k a mag what a joke
  8. Starts with C ends in 4
  9. 1 dollar
  10. Congrats @ThatNerdyGuy

    i expect a stream soon 

    1. hawk


      He isn't streaming anymore because of reasons.

    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      Thanks, @hawk is correct though.

  11. Hmm don’t want to expose myself when I’m stream sniping but you might know my twiTch name so ya
  12. Honestly though I had some threaten to report me for calling them fat
  13. I mean that after you gather ingredients you have to drive like 5 km from pygros to start processing whereas I can just buy a house in dp 25 and walk like 500 meters and I can get a car out to start processing
  14. Like then you gotta drive all the way there to do runs I’d rather walk 500 meters to south air then drive 5km down
  15. IMO not even a good house you could get a better house in like dp 25 so you can just walk to south air but ya
  16. I need me a os to spawn money in for me
  17. The mods been slacking there’s less comp request then player reports right now 

  18. Why would anyone want to join slugs?
  19. support team is legit useless, you go into support room then get moved by a staff member that tells you to just make a support ticket, or the actual support team just says to make a support ticket
  20. Ikr what a scammer
  21. 2500001
  22. Once you get rdmed once just stop going back what do you have to gain from it anyway you are just ruining chances of getting comp or being able to submit, two wrongs doesn’t make a right
  23. Like even if someone else breaks rules doesn’t give you the right to, then everyone would just say “I thought I got rdmed so I should be able to break nlr”
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