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Caleb Snackbar

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Everything posted by Caleb Snackbar

  1. Go kart shop in kav spawns them somewhere else please fix

    1. Pledge


      Is patched in next update :)

    2. Bongo Bongo Bongo

      Bongo Bongo Bongo

      Next update aka next year

      the shop has been broken ever since they made it 

  2. More med kits used faster passive healing please 

  3. Caps lock is the default push to talk in game and press comma or period to change channels to direct
  4. o7 Olympus is falling
  5. At is worth way more lol
  6. Like this is RWT which is against TOS thread will probably be deleted by staff
  7. I need gta for new server
  8. Imagine buying ban evading accounts from steam
  9. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198093364511/#sort=order
  10. Add quaaludes to the server

    1. Drippp
    2. Ziggyuwu


      35 minutes ago, Drippp said:


      fuck you beat me to it

  11. dont buy money especially from him? Its still bad but its common knowledge that hes a scammer
  12. Explain paying for what
  13. chrage back on what
  14. Wrong
  15. also selling 2 tier 5 vest here's screenshots
  16. offer
  17. 1x spar16s 1x mx3gl also have 10 tear gas rounds for sale 1x asp 1x zafir 1x 6.5 stealth suppressor
  18. You do though
  19. o7 [ - ] Rez
  20. No
  21. Blues gonna win stanley 

    1. Danger


      Irrelevant, Go Boston

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