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Everything posted by House

  1. New ban appeal in boys who thinks they will unban me

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. silton


      Praying for you jimmy

    3. CaloomClark


      I will headshot you with bolt from 2 grids away

    4. Element_
  2. Someone unban me, I never cheated

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. silton


      @ House  the stats speak for themselves. 1st to 1000 deaths. A real legend of the game.



    3. House


      Some say I’m a legend for that 

    4. Frato



      free all the members staff don't want us on top

  3. could not believe it all day but it seems to be true. I will miss the late night valaront  banter. I will cherish the funny moments. you will be missed rest easy brother.

  4. GORILLA MODE PRE IS BEST i have the firefly lemonade it is not too bad. total war is shit used for a little had to hype my self up in the gym parking lot to drink it because it taste like shit
  5. House

    3x $5M Raffle

  6. happy birthday @ Siltonious Milton II hope you have a good day

  7. hhahaa you cant talk you got carried by bc for like 2 months
  8. Produce a screen blur (Haze/Fuzz) in smoke (stop)
  9. give me something
  10. + 1 I think it is not talked about enough
  11. give us more time to get player on the server the way @ DeadPool handled the server restart during the sy v tp fight was bad. he should have let us do 0 0 with even players would have been more fun for the players and the spectators.
  12. nah staff ego now

    1. Peterr
    2. Theory


      we didn't initiate him yet 

    3. Monks


      Dont worry Peter you'll get it next time!

  13. what crack pipe are you guys hitting need to know cus you guys are being retards 

    1. HooDi


      Reword that in English and I will like it

    2. Diamond Drop
  14. aSS
  15. cheating in cs
  16. Happy b day @Ryan can you unban @shmolty  but have a good day

    1. Ryan


      Thank you! 🥳🍻



      Where's the unban button? Seems to have disappeared  👀

  17. Did not know who you where in tp thought you where just a Walmart dawn. none stop on the forms of a server you are banned from its just sad.
  18. Ok mako
  19. Haha keep begging for tss Looking good Jimmy
  20. Hahah People thinking cops have skill Cus you can’t hit the broad side of a barn
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