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John Wayne

Legacy VIP
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Everything posted by John Wayne

  1. Ohh you were the guy on the atc tower.... I was going to crash that heli into you
  2. how much for the 3 MX's and any 6.5 ammo
  3. anyone remember


    1. iPopsicle


      Pepperidge farm remembers

    2. theycallmepaw
  4. Shit
  5. brace for memepact

  6. Will I ever get to buy a jet from the DLC or did I waste my money?

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      That's a solid maybe. =D

    2. Brennan


      Right after stats page goes up.

    3. Tman15tmb


      Should have bought a fancy burger with that money.. 

  7. I can get 11 people to vote to whichever civ rep brings the spar back to Vigi shop.

  8. I'd like an OS to answer because the wording just says "kill" without engagement and I don't want to be banned because of a loophole.
  9. Tasers don't "kill", so what's the answer? Can you Vigi someone without engagement?
  10. How many gangs can you be at war with?
  11. Is this going down in kavala?
  12. this post is irrelevant
  13. ...when you go from the top tier pilot to a beginner...rip

  14. Grey thermals... sry not my colour.
  15. Orca can only lift an off-road or lower. Mohawk can lift the box truck of any tier. Slings equipt and <7 meters and you'll be able to hook.
  16. @Moose sent me a pic earlier this year of his before he got a new graphics card
  17. Why would I buy this when I can get a cheap one from China that's duped. Then when I get caught with it and I just say I didn't know it was a fake!
  18. shut up and take my money
  19. 25k each helmet
  20. Unlimited.
  21. 25k a helmet, let me know how many you want to buy. This goes for anyone interested.
  22. Na just play the same shit kids over again to lose. They are pros at talking in ts tho.
  23. Still get texture bugged.
  24. http://plays.tv/s/KzoEFZD-k60r Kavala pawns
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