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John Wayne

Legacy VIP
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Everything posted by John Wayne

  1. @McDili I miss the old days playing with you and the guys. Just doing pointless things really. I fondly remember doing a meth run and you calling me out no balls to slam my heli into the full tempest moob was driving... I had to. I also have to share some respect because I listened to Peters podcast along time ago and you said my name for best pilot, alongside with Goldberg. I appreciate the recognition. Since you went staff I rarely see/saw you anymore. Keep in touch, as we get older our availability for gaming becomes shorter and shorter. Find things you like doing and playing. I know the exact feeling your having now, having a weight lifted off your shoulders. Enjoy it and enjoy the memories, you’ve been through a lot. cya bro
  2. I always like these posts. Not so much the structure of it but seeing someone become "woke". Good for you, stay out of the whitelist ranks like the rest of us. Favoritism and bending the handbooks is always an interesting topic. Must be why I like skirting the rules... nothing else to do on the server but see what you can get away with.
  3. 23 straight years of gaming... thats older than 98% of this gaming community.



    1. DeadPool


      how do you check the stats like tjhat

    2. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Deadpool is going to have a new spread sheet in about a week :Kappa:

  4. Perfectly executed.
  5. The game is old, nothing takes off anymore, just enjoy altis and it’s history of players that keep coming back.
  6. Connect the ssd and set it to default boot on your bios, install windows and then copy paste files you want to keep from the hdd to the ssd...
  7. Lmao people are on multiple teams. Next time I’m just applying with the same team 10 times just changing the name. Garenteed win. I’m pretty sure most of these people arnt even in the same gang lol
  8. The map layout sucks, nobody wants to grind on something that may go down, majority of friends are still on Altis, cops are money hungry just as much as civs. If anything it should’ve been a rich server, start with a mil or two, easy to get money, cheap load outs. All of which promotes someone to go there and play.
  9. How much you willing to pay for a 6.5 sup edit- just realized I don’t care anymore, not gunna sell lol
  10. It was pointed out in the first civ rep vote that the civ rep could even change the way its ran... you could make it a council if you wanted. You could make tags, probably even a faction Also, I missed the part where I cast my vote on this poll???
  11. **link to shit twitch stream**

  12. why does the drug dealer on malden make me pay gang tax... there's no cartels @McDili

  13. Metagaming - See Server Rules Officers are not to use information gathered while playing as a civilian to carry out their duties as an officer. Officers are not to use information gathered while playing as a cop to play as a civilian
  14. remember when eatmeth got removed from OS... now hes on the dev server.
  15. This is just so moob can apply without disbanding his gang.
  16. Waiting to find out if my duper is banned or not, I’ll get back to you on offer
  17. Happy Canada Day 

  18. Mk200
  19. Kev and deadpool are both in Tree


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      If you load his profile it shows Don is in Tree

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      DeadPool definitely was in Tree at least temporarily cause I saw him the other day.  Orgondo has standards though so that would explain his removal ^_^

    4. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      nah hes just got a temp inv

  20. Why have I never seen this happen to any vehicle ...I bet if you get insurance it will fix the texture
  21. I use a mk200, I’ll hit all three ez
  22. Lol making the vehicle illegal is pointless since it’s already been involved in the fed. Seized either way. Someone must’ve done something unrelated to Trident recruiting blackfish pilots for feds. Increasing the cost is the only way to restrict its usage.
  23. Welcome to the arma retirement club, 1hour a night, nothing but kavala scat
  24. John Wayne


    Jack Goff
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