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Everything posted by Christoph

  1. Christoph


    07 Bro i didn't know this was gonna happen but ill see you on that other server i think hahah ill leave this
  2. @Rexo msg me when in ts. how much for the mar 10 lethal ? and AT
  3. Damm. even tho i knew this was going to happen still hurts... Ima miss you bro. your probably the only person that can take a channel of 30+ and just fucking scream soo fucking loud and just everyone would shut the fuck up. You are the toxic king and even tho sometime your screaming was aids it was still funny at the end. Ima miss you bro. you have my snap i think so hmu whenever. 07, you are a real one
  4. Hbd @Montez you weeb can't say much don't wanna catch a case ❤️

    hbd @SPBojo can't say half the stuff i want to on here XD



    1. SPBojo


      AHAHAHAH, thanks bud, preciate yah

    2. Montez


      its been like 7 hours but big thanks ❤️

  5. sooo now there is a new chief and all and pledge was the last time re-evals happen'd. when will the next corp re-evals happen, like its been some time and there is plenty of corps now. Should think about doing something like that TBH. It would be nice 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Christoph


      wdym what am i doing? bro there is 35 corps. some who don't even play half the time. last time i saw a re-eval was some time ago. All im saying is just do re-evals. There is nothing to panic about if you know the rules and if you don't just read the handbook. Some of the shit would literally be second nature to corps.

    3. SPBojo


      Ur not getting sgt decla, stop trying :kappa:

    4. Kedar
  6. always use to be a thing. literally have a dep and the civ exchange fire and boom snipe the shit out off them
  7. yes i understand thats the question. What im saying is its allowed at discretion. i was giving you some examples and many others cuz people like to try and bend the rule to a stupid extent. Goat has clearly added the rule for a reason allowing us to do that again. he has just re-worded certain aspects of the handbook
  8. SO the main reason as to why this rule is now here is exactly that. Many time unarmed civs are being aids etc and you have to TASE them cuz of rules. However this rule was implemented. Previously before the coup with sandman i asked about it and he said "as long as you have given them many warning/prior warning as well as they are infact unarmed/not a threat toward the officers life then you may restrain that player" WHich basically means give them a few warning if they don't listen you tell them they will be restrained now and then you restrain them. Do note they have to not be a threat towards the officer/bearing a weapon
  9. This rule is mainly for officers who think its okay to pull medics over when they are speeding on the msr responding to a call. At the end of the day cops are going to msg medics to leave or die cuz you guys are hella ratty when it come to those revives. and will try to get any way to rev a person
  10. With the new Armed jeep. is it going to be able to follow the same rules like before. Followes armed plane engagment rules basically. and is it only for Any means or what cuz i wanna use that shit for more than ANy means tbh
  11. Im assuming this is allowed for situations where the senior is NOT in the Hawk yet if it is ovbs/they can go guns hot he can still call it right?
  12. Congrats @Bloodmoon

    New you would get it well deserverd

  13. Fucking finally congrats @Kedar

  14. hbd you weeb @Cyanide

    1. Cyanide


      didn't you just finish watching darling in the franx like 3 days ago

    2. Christoph



      "i think i have taken a liking to you. won't you be my darling?"

  15. How do i connect to the ts now lol. can't after update

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Millennium


      you uninstall the update. or wait for the server to update

  16. 07 pal. ima miss our talks about basically anything lol. thanks for the 900+ oldie songs haha have fun and deffo a better guitarist than @ThatNerdyGuy
  17. Damm you low-key dis me 2x and I don’t get an @ I see how it is
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