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Darren Nsonowa

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Everything posted by Darren Nsonowa

  1. Oh shit, I forgot about. That..
  2. but my mans, if you need more devs just push the dev lessons again for cheaper.
  3. I heard of some online friends of mine playing something called takistan, about 3 years ago. I baught arma, forgot about it and then some other friends of mine said they wanted to play arma 3 RP. They found this server and it was great. Bonus thing, also met a good friend of mine on here, who lives in the same country as me. He was sitting in kavala and called me "Fucking gay" in Norwegian. Been friends with him almost 2 years now.
  4. How much for the Type Taser and 6.5 suppressor?
  5. gime yo money fricker
  6. Nah fam, gangs will be able to capture the casino so it can be owned. The revenue will go to gang funds ez fixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  7. Tf is a ADAR Taser?
  8. Instead of having this focus on all the PO's that complain that they don't get corp. It should focus on the fact that this could actually be a cool addition that if used right could be very good. I'd like to suggest a few things though. Each corporal should be able to form Units, with deputies and PO's. I know they already do this by putting other cops in the Unit channel, however an in game mechanic would be cool to support this. Each squadron, Alpha, Bravo, Delta, etc. would have different branches. Let's say Alpha could be Marksman branch. Any corporal in the Alpha squad, could make a unit with fellow officers in game. This could maybe make PO's temporarily being able to buy MXM's, until the unit is disbanded. A few rules that wouldn't make it completely fucked and OP in game. A max of 4 people per unit, including the corporal leader. If a Sr.APD member comes online, a unit shall not be formed to gain advantages in situations, f.ex if there are 1 corp, 1sapd member and 4 PO's, these PO's won't become mini corps in a situation, such as a federal event. Only one unit of a certain branch is to be formed each server. (could be like 3 branches with different perks, like you suggested) If a unit is disbanded, the gear /perks should be revoked/removed/seized immediatly. A unit CANNOT be formed in an ACTIVE situation, in an attempt to get an advantage over the counterpart. If all members of the UNIT die, the unit will automatically be disbanded, and would need to be recreated. Units can only be created every 35 minutes. So essentially, your idea. Just, smaller and temporary. And to ensure a more powerful first wave in a fed, unless a sapd is on.
  9. Do you eat the ribbe or the stick meat. Stick meat is best mannen.
  10. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198182742070/#sort=order
  11. http://prntscr.com/lssvjs http://prntscr.com/lssvp4 372 files were fucked and needed to be fixed.
  12. imma be waitin Nerdy

    1. Guest


      delayed 1 month

    2. Darren Nsonowa

      Darren Nsonowa

      Just now, Hadi Mokdad said:

      delayed 1 month

      yeeees very nice

  13. when r we gonna learn to make the pulldowns
  14. Happy birthday @ThatNerdyGuy yo better eat sum pretzel nuggets

  15. bro where is lil peep
  16. a succ and a G of the dank kush
  17. man, no.
  18. Man FUCK this post.
  19. mk1 taser 300k
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