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Everything posted by Canadian

  1. selling Mar-10 tasers, 100k each. comes free with an rpg and t5 body armor
  2. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLpkdqgP/
  3. What happened to the racist, offensive, toxic Olympus I once played?
  4. Hi. I didn't ask
  5. Petition to rename Kavala to Minneapolis

  6. fuck you medic you selling "lamps"
  7. money is money
  8. nate higgers
  9. @Slumberjack @Zahzi add miniguns for ghosthawks?
  10. I miss kavala and rdm'ing fuckers like you.
  11. How are we supposed to downvote the next "add quilins" or "cops are op" posts, we cant call them retarded because somehow thats offensive.
  12. American schools get more action than warzone. Prove me wrong.
  13. Time to purge. Happy hunting
  14. @Papi Pods can you dupe warpoints?
  15. Whos this Rossco guy? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      30 minutes ago, Strikke said:

      Someone who got corp and for some reason that is a big deal


    3. Strikke


      14 minutes ago, communistjosh said:


      Its true tho

    4. Richard
  16. Did you record this with an android? epic clips, its been a while
  17. Can confirm half of these items were once mine lol... I aquired they via s3 sooooooo...
  18. The thing is is though is that its not 'that good' of a weapon. Personally I have not seen a demand for these so for that reason I gave it a solid price range.
  19. id say a decent 250k - 350k
  20. @ViiRuS
  21. What does this picture have to do with duping? It's quite simple... 1=2
  22. hit up @Weird Flex, @Robinhood and @Ronin. They have the cheapest prices
  23. what happened to the one i gave you 2 days ago?
  24. Papi Pull Downs or Papi Pulldownsyndrome
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