Welp, the time has come, A3L is no longer engaging, plus I lost all of my money. I'm going to keep this relatively short. @TheInfamousRogue thanks for letting me in my first actual legit gang, got to admit I was a retard back then. Sorry for couping you and howler. @FBI Agent Phil dude you are the funniest person I've met on this server, it was a pleasure leading Empire with you. It was sad to see you go.
@Luckypickel best RTS player I've met to date, it was fun.
@ListerTheSisterFister pulled a lot of late night grinds with you man, it was great, see you around trooper.
@Brickhouse biggest mushroom racketeer on S3, wish you stayed around longer, god knows Empire needed you with your cool head. Hope your alright on deployment. @Sklavyboy it was fun viging with you man. GL. @white boi you are probably one of the best friends I made on here, hope to play some more GTA with you sometime. *cough* dogshit player *cough* @Skateezy honestly one of the chillest dudes I've met, keep up the good work, can't wait to see what you upload next. @Sandman thanks for accepting me in the APD, when me and you both knew I was lying about my age. @ThatNerdyGuy thanks for the free RPK tasers. @|REAL| Boing actually had good ideas, you didn't deserve to be ripped from head vigi council. @Noahhh! biggest ass kisser I've seen, but seriously keep at it man, glad to see someone one doing something for the community.
@everyone else that I didn't get too and those who I've forgot over the years, you're what kept the game fun for this long. GL bois.
o7, remember the saltier the better!
oh, @Diamond_drop keep practicing those rag-doll trick shots