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Everything posted by SummeDummkopf

  1. Does this work? @ Lime thanks for being cool about this, o7
  2. o7, god-speed in your next adventure.
  3. Honestly it makes way more sense for VIGILANTES to be in warzone than for the cops to be there. You also kind of answered your own question, the deadlier they are; the higher the bounty. Money can be a pretty big incentive, hell if you want to go all roleplayer, a cartel could have murdered your family and you have vowed to bring the cartels to justice. TBH hardly any vigis even go to warzone, the most they usually go is Therisa and even that is rare. They already moved Neo vigi to Athira, so they have to drive you all the way up there which is plenty of time for your boys to free you. Plus Athira vigi is usually getting camped by rebels. It was put there for the ENTIRE player base to enjoy.
  4. Which happened very rarely.
  5. I disagree, being robbed is not as bad as you make it out to be. In roughly two weeks I made 20mil by just doing a couple runs a day and now that I have stopped doing runs I am almost broke. Mainly because of my gambling addiction but we do not need to talk that. @ FBI Agent Phil played for a couple months and made well over 60mil by doing runs. I didn't get robbed that often I mostly fought off most of the people that did try, I'm a solo at this point, the only time I actually got robbed is when Batal or another big gang showed up.
  6. o7
  7. Your Turkish blood, fuck turks.
  8. My reason for not liking you is because you accused me of shit I didn't do and harassed me for months about it.
  9. SummeDummkopf


    o7, it was fun, had a lot of good memories and GL with your future escapades.
  10. everything you need to know about houses ---> https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Houses
  11. He may not want to join Silla now, but he used too for sure. I remember when he would come beg to join Silla in the wee hours of nights. Everyday pretty much for a few weeks you would see him in one of the channels, hoping to get an invite back. Now that I think about it, it was kind of sad.
  12. o7 chief, that bet still haunts my dreams.
  13. I second this, but the possibility of Antonio organizing another one is unlikely, I don't think he plays anymore.
  14. Anyone down to play some modded Minecraft?

    1. evannnn


      give me a good modpack plox

  15. Glad to see someone found it helpful! Surprised someone called me skiptracer, haven't been called that since Anarchy Life.
  16. Welp, the time has come, A3L is no longer engaging, plus I lost all of my money. I'm going to keep this relatively short. @TheInfamousRogue thanks for letting me in my first actual legit gang, got to admit I was a retard back then. Sorry for couping you and howler. @FBI Agent Phil dude you are the funniest person I've met on this server, it was a pleasure leading Empire with you. It was sad to see you go. @Luckypickel best RTS player I've met to date, it was fun. @ListerTheSisterFister pulled a lot of late night grinds with you man, it was great, see you around trooper. @Brickhouse biggest mushroom racketeer on S3, wish you stayed around longer, god knows Empire needed you with your cool head. Hope your alright on deployment. @Sklavyboy it was fun viging with you man. GL. @white boi you are probably one of the best friends I made on here, hope to play some more GTA with you sometime. *cough* dogshit player *cough* @Skateezy honestly one of the chillest dudes I've met, keep up the good work, can't wait to see what you upload next. @Sandman thanks for accepting me in the APD, when me and you both knew I was lying about my age. @ThatNerdyGuy thanks for the free RPK tasers. @|REAL| Boing actually had good ideas, you didn't deserve to be ripped from head vigi council. @Noahhh! biggest ass kisser I've seen, but seriously keep at it man, glad to see someone one doing something for the community. @everyone else that I didn't get too and those who I've forgot over the years, you're what kept the game fun for this long. GL bois. o7, remember the saltier the better! oh, @Diamond_drop keep practicing those rag-doll trick shots
  17. o7, it's been fun man. GL with siege.
  18. o7, it was great hanging out with you man, I wish you the best of luck with whatever you move onto.
  19. 10mil for S1 house
  20. I agree to an extent, but the current Civ council would never go for this. There would have to be major stipulations and probably have to be T5.
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