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Everything posted by Virus1

  1. Where my OGs at?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Virus1


      I figured most people prob dont play anymore but good times from 2014-2015.

    3. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      They all look at the forums but rarely play anymore. It's a boring game without your friends xD

    4. Frankie


      what it do boyos

  2. Where the OGs at?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Virus1


      8 minutes ago, Jopple123 said:

      Who are you?


      Good question

    3. GhostFace


      not on this game

    4. Linka



      5 hours ago, Jopple123 said:

      Who are you?



  3. Impressive
  4. 7
  5. Big mistake making @EatMeth a designer. He lacks the decision-making that the job entails. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Virus1


      Might be both now that I think of it. Cage him up

  6. That corporal should be banned for fail RP and demoted . Also lets talk about the RP of reviving the guy right next to a car on fire. It looks like you wanted to revive him only for him to die again so you could get another 10k.
  7. Not a fan of tazers being used in War at all.
  8. @TheRealKyle // Takeover is almost complete

  9. LOA is up in 4 days. Who missed me

  10. Thank god. I don't want to be revived nor do I want to have to camp other peoples' bodies for 20 minutes just to stop them from being revived.
  11. Medics just shouldn't be allowed at cartels in the first place.
  12. 1. IGN: Virus 2. How did you find Olympus?: A guy a knew on LoL 3 years ago that knew Poseidon just started the server. 3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?: Playing cop with my partner @ToeKnee and re-writing the APD handbook one arrest at a time. Also here is a throwback with @Fat Clemenza taught him everything he knew before he went on to be Chief.
  13. Old man paw still around
  14. Great tags on the thread.
  15. Hopefully this all sorts itself out in the next 2 months before I get back. As a civ I would make playing cop a living nightmare, and as a cop well lethals loaded.
  16. Still no execute feature. Profound sadness
  17. Fact check: MC has not been around since Olympus was created 2nd one is true
  18. If anything I would suggest a good change to the vigi role would involve instead of the person being put straight in jail they were automatically sent to a holding area (HQ or some other place accessible to APD) and the APD were notified that they were there. At that point the vigi gets some sort of compensation and the person can argue their charges with the APD. Better RP and I think ultimately more satisfying for both. The vigi gets their money, the criminal gets a chance to fight their charges and ultimately maybe an extended period for their friends to come fight to break them out.
  19. Looking for some buds to play with December 10th - 11th when I get back 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fuzy
    3. Mobundo African Warlord

      Mobundo African Warlord

      Verious ? ';) Aka My Twin? 

    4. Virus1


      Its been a good while. Feel like the servers need a bit of a shake up

  20. I can't help but feel this is a bit dramatic...
  21. Now that epi pens are in we really really need an execute feature.
  22. Lets be honest he got carried by his partner to that promotion
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