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Everything posted by iamvaltrix

  1. Hot nigga will always be a slapper forever
  2. enemy gang is prolly ganna pull up and air your shit out lol.
  3. lmfao
  4. Finally, something i can invest in.
  5. shut the fuck up retard. Hes just messing around, and on top of that he also revives and comps people if they lost anything.
  6. https://gyazo.com/5d695c4f37e9e2d20ee89db503efea9b


    i barely know this nigga @Ba$tro but free him im wit the movment.  @MAV

  7. @Kyle Lake
  8. i miss you too my son.
  9. He def has one of the best names out there
  10. iamvaltrix


    lmao ez clap by @Canadian
  11. i use 100 fov, kinda hard to get used too at first but i like it.
  12. tried that all my stuff was updated prior to the problem happening UPDATE: i fixed this by setting the surround sound channels for my headset from 11 to 6 in the Logitech gaming software.
  13. Whenever i switch to first person in a heli/car all my audio start turning to static/crackling sound . It just started doing this last night and i never had this problem before. Does anyone know how to fix this?
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