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Everything posted by Ronin

  1. Ronin


    looks like someone took a bloody shit
  2. bump
  3. selling armed huron starting bid 10 mill

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. monster


      48 minutes ago, Christmas Dash said:

      Well then challenge accepted 10,000,004


    3. DashTonic



      1 hour ago, mon5t3r said:



    4. monster


      11 minutes ago, Christmas Dash said:




  4. starting bid 10 mill
  5. selling armed huron

  6. Ronin


    welcom back friend
  7. who has jesse on speed dial
  8. Loved this movie so much.
  9. Do you really care why he prefers to have his chat in the top left? It's preference... I don't understand what you have an issue with here.
  10. 1x Armed Huron
  11. yikes America...
  12. Vigis are at a disadvantage for getting bounties, the income they make from a bounty should not be reduced. They may consist of a lot of people, but that doesn't mean they necessarily work together like APD does.
  13. NOTORIOUS BANNED FOR AHK? What a meme. Have a clip of him admitting multiple people in the gang were given the same hacks. A couple of weeks ago multiple were banned as well. Also have a clip of him flying around on Olympus, then nuking it.
  14. Make it happen boys, Olympus needed this new logo.
  15. his gang cheated on arma, wouldn't be surprised if they cheated on siege as well.
  16. Said Indian what
  17. what happened to noxious and how long did they last lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ronin


      relocated to a different server or disband and joined different gangs?

    3. last


      dif ts... ryan let me use his ts, now i run the ts.

    4. Ryan


      6 hours ago, kilo. said:

      dif ts... ryan let me use his ts, now i run the ts.

      ^ They just had a teamspeak switch lol

  18. S3 Moonshine shed 15m
  19. welcome fren
  20. Ronin


  21. this is a good ass deal
  22. Ronin


    That is literally what you say to everyone who confronts you on being a shitty civ rep. We only know who you are because of how bad you are at what you signed up to do.
  23. lol don't vote for any APD staff members, they'll just play cop the rare instances they actually get on.
  24. you never pronounced genghis correctly, but o7 buddy
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