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Thick Mans

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Everything posted by Thick Mans

  1. Did they make it so that Go-kart times using nitro dont count?

  2. swervy and big john are pedophiles

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bummm


      swervy is a good guy

    3. swrvy


      L + Ratio + Cant Position Troops + Keep Losing In RISK + Just A Better Global Dominator

    4. Thick Mans

      Thick Mans

      and now you are a jew



  3. keep deleting these status updates retards

  4. everyone go buy cheats. @ destruct will unban you don't worry.

  5. hey @retards please work on fixing how ifrits fling you into the sky when you get out

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. proud


      think they should just disable vehicles blowing up on s3 and it would solve alot of problems but HEY who am i to say anything right?

    3. Venomm
    4. SPBojo


      ETA on beating the go-cart record 

  6. how tf do i play this conquest

    1. e4mon


      ghillies and sdars

  7. I wouldn't get too comfortable if I were you... @ Paul Menard Only 0.08 seconds between us now
  8. its on now paul. Prepare for a sub 15 second time.
  9. I will make an instructional video just for you for 500k.
  10. I quickly recorded this video to help you guys out a bit. This is not the perfect line at all and I left out of a bunch of my trade secrets but this is a starting point for those who want to try beat me.
  11. I used to practice it a lot last summer but I stopped playing olympus in october and just played the past 3 days to try beat the time. Probably took me about 5 hours of trying this week.
  12. I might post a vid of a mid 16 second time just to help you guys out but im not posting a vid of a super fast lap because I don't want to reveal my racing line.
  13. yes my work has finally been completed. I am quitting olympus until someone breaks this time which will probably never happen so goodbye everyone.
  14. Today I have just made olympus history by achieving the first go-kart time under 15.8000 seconds. This was the perfect run and I will give all my olympus money/vehicles to anyone who can beat my time (without cheating or glitches, must have video proof). Get used to the number 15.7646 because this will be the #1 go kart time for the rest of this servers life.
  15. Anyone got a stream for UFC?

    1. Lou


      i heard the spic lost

  16. offer
  17. offer
  18. Nice tag, dont listen to these haters they are all bots
  19. Why are vigis still a thing on this server

  20. "Why did you passenger seat me?" "vigis can suck my dick" "These kids play like freaks"
  21. Silver Vs Energy boxing match is happening

    1. silver


      believeit or not, @Energyyyis actually fat bastard from austin powers


    2. evannnn


      this energy kid could rock silvers shit with his eyes closed


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