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Everything posted by Dargen

  1. anyone who said fucked up post stfu
  2. Creepy is actually roleplaying with these kids man its fucking crazy
  3. 3mil for a dms
  4. dm me on forums please
  5. Slugs or pellet?
  6. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198132359670/
  7. Lets see it happen!
  8. This is where he got all the money.
  9. I’m under 16 can I get a reward.
  10. Ye big boss ain’t play no games.
  11. You can apply asking for an age exception. If your denied they might tell you how to improve your chances for the future.
  12. Support team isn't always right.
  13. Pretty sure this is false. when your dead you can’t be involved in a situation so even if your gang is fighting someone you can’t just be instantly shot when picked up now if you said after a few seconds after he was revived I’d say sure because if there still fighting he’s then joined the engagement. As for the post it’s self most people think that just because they killed them the first time means there still engaged for 5mins.
  14. Yikes lmao
  15. Idk about pilot coveralls but maybe csat fatigues or some of the csat gear. Would make it harder on the APD a little bit but some ppl won’t buy it some ppl will get smacked anyways.
  16. Personally I absolutely hate the rain in this game it doesn’t look good it doesn’t effect anything that I know of besides preformance and it’s not fun to fight in during day or night. Personally I wouldn’t miss the night but I can see why some people would I think a reduction would be cool.
  17. Listen to hopsin
  18. Good idea. Is this gonna be done via online websites or do you have another idea.
  19. Yikes now what am I gonna do when s3 is down
  20. Wait so someone won?
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