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Everything posted by Claysive

  1. Happy Birthday dude! 

    1. iamvaltrix


      thank you kind sir!!

  2. Happy Birthday neighbor! @kylef

    1. Richard


      Looks like @kylef is getting some birthday headshots tonight.

    2. kylef
  3. He is a very helpful man.
  4. Congrats @Childish... seriously this time. lol

  5. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198182775233/#sort=order
  6. Unfortunately I don’t have any suggestions for the solution. I’m not sure how it could be handled in a manner that would be fair across the board. For this, I will leave it up to you and the rest of the council. I just wanted to provide some feedback in manner that’s not toxic.
  7. One thing that really needs a work around is taking medics hostage before there are even enough cops on to start the event. Although it hasn’t happened to me, there have been a few instances lately where a medic is taken hostage for a fed and it takes upwards of twenty mins to even get enough cops on to start. The hostage takers still expect the medic to stay for the event which can take another thirty mins leading to the medic doing nothing for almost an hour. It’s a complete waste of time. Whatever happened to the dope truck idea? I feel like that needs another looking at and would help with this because most hostage situations at feds only involve civs requesting dope anyways.
  8. Wait... it’s not already?
  9. But that wouldn't be a surprise...
  10. Claysive

    God Tier

    It was something along the lines of.. "Ah, I think I'm in the clear, wait, oh fuck, shit shit shit... "
  11. Lol. Someone’s salty. This man just went and downvoted as many of my posts as possible. Did I not revive you fast enough.. @RDyer216 or did I sneak a revive you denied? Haha
  12. I will... in my Ghosthawk
  13. Clay > Richard > @Prime
  14. It's not about being rewarded for being taken hostage. Most of us hate it to begin with. I do understand though that there are a few that like to be hostage, but they are braindead. You already make next to nothing and it's a huge waste of time. I think the most I have done within a thirty min fed, is maybe 5 dope requests, and 3 revives. I could have made so much more being outside that event. I think if we are gonna go the route of not letting medics get paid(shit pay at that) for a federal event, then instead of that, another rule should be implemented where it's against server rules to take a medic hostage for one. That would make it more fair, and not have us waste thirty mins of sitting in a pillbox and not getting a dime for our time.
  15. LOL. Good Luck Kyle
  16. Same, but then again all I do is work and Arma so..
  17. Oh shit, you got mod! Congrats man!

  18. What Millennium said
  19. This is the real question
  20. Claysive


    My name is Clay. Most ppl probably know me from medic. I’m shit at civ but still like to play on there too from time to time. Mostly trying to get comfortable with fighting at cartels, even though that will take a bit. Anyways, I’ve been here a few months now so just wanted to say hey to everyone!
  21. yeah, im an idiot. I noticed that after.
  22. What’s the storage?
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