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Everything posted by GhostFace

  1. old ass
  2. wait a min ski mask is the boy. ski mask wouldn't harm a fly.
  3. Went to a gas station at 3:00 last night came home ate than went to take a shower before i went to bed. Got out of the shower to find out that door was stuck. everyone was sleeping and ive been stuck in the bathroom in nothing bout a towel for a good 45 mins. took the door hinges and door knob off and the fucking thing still wouldn't open. So i had to wait for someone to wake up and they're laughing. and they had to kick the door down. needless to say i didnt get out till 550... never thought id be locked in a bathroom

    1. Ryan


      Tell me why only you can get stuck in your own bathroom :D

    2. Orgondo


      No teeth and now no clothes, struggles.

    3. warpoints


      13 hours ago, Matt The Savage said:

      that's when you scream, THIS IS SPARTA!!! and spartan kick that bitch down

      nah he would prob scream this is sparta and then someone would wake up tell him to shut the fuck up

  4. turn gay. or jerk off with a rope around your neck and cum right before your about to pass out!
  5. i had one of those but it was fire instead of rain. then i no lifed game of thrones.... they're coming just wait!
  6. better not be able to see the time... they might be on too you!
  7. the software lagswitch and mk1 pulldowns killed me i literally just burst out laughin!
  8. you're icons give me aids lmao!
  9. lets see em boys!
  10. Die,now,please!
  11. my choice was rambler but he wasnt on there!
  13. why are you fighting a hawk with a 9mm? If there is a hawk on you to start with. you did something for a hawk to be pulled. They don't just pull them for no reason.
  14. Yeah they wouldn't let me join because im married. They told me i had to divorce my wife, and Shag some guys before i was aloud in. Can confirm they gay.
  15. Oh i know you do and i understand it. I'm just telling you what i've seen since my days of Leftituent
  16. I've seen it from both sides. And here is my take on it. I like to RP. But if you are robbing a federal reserve/Black water. The RP is gonna be short and sweet as expected, Because 1. You're shooting at the cops and attempting to steal in rp sense the governments money, 2. Most of the time people doing either are wanted for a higher than kavala scats. So you wouldn't expect me to have an hour rp session with a serial killer and bank robber. But when you're just driving down the road and get pulled over and they drag you back to the hq, And you try and roleplay when they ask where your license are. And you say oh i forgot them at home or I don't have them on me. And they respond with oh okay well i found them on you. Ruins the experience of even being caught in the 1st place. Now I'm not saying every cop needs to roleplay for an hour. But at least try a little bit rather sounding like a robot reading a script.
  17. Best way to fix the server is not to let you play the lottery!
  18. wow no shout out to the fellow stoner! im disappointed 07 my stoner brother!
  19. @Jesse dont know if this is possible or not but is there any way you can remove the noise from the windmills on OG. People said you could turn it off using ambient but it doesn't work. I can hear it over rain, gunshots,ifrits,etc. Just let me know if its at least possible

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Savage


      That's expensive @kev

    3. Apathy


      I remember I rammed @ApacheWarrior with my Shikra going 1,500Kph and it blew up all three of the windmills and all the cars surrounding.

    4. Kamikaze


      i don't hear them weird.

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