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About Zamira

  • Birthday 06/17/2001

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  • Arma 3 Player ID
  • Olympus Gang
    Comp or Ban
  • Gender
  • Location
    The state with guns

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Zamira

    $5 Mil Giveaway

    Pls no scam me again
  2. Zamira


    o7 my man, not sure where im gonna get my olympus drama inside scoop from now :( On a real note its been an amazing run and its been incredible seeing you climb the ladder covered in lube that is the Olympus hierarchy Good luck moving forwards and ill always stay in touch
  3. Noah is just too hot to be an Olympus staff member. Rabid got jealous Noah was pulling all the e-hoes from his fat hands.
  4. Yeah of course gotta make sure they are roleplay enough for all sr R&R
  5. Gotta enhance the level of roleplay dog add in the karts and have them able to tow
  6. Did you do the work your self? Or muffler shop?
  7. Are you brain dead i downvoted 1 comment you actually downvoted all of mine??
  8. You purposely were baiting a ban, Toxic as hell and I know for facts its a big ole band wagon of chimpanzees to shit on noble
  9. Ok hold up, we dish out toxicity? I recall you yesterday PURPOSELY trying to get me banned for 0 reason other than you were mad. Don't be a hypocrite. There maybe a few bad apples but 89% of our gang are decent people who get called toxic just cause one person piped up in side chat.
  10. Always sleep with a fan, Texas has the most bi-polar weather ever. It can go from 47 degrees at night to waking up and its 80 And im also a naturally sweaty arma player so you know i gotta dry it up after a long night of playing medic
  11. Sounds like a great alliance with noble since all we do is create salt
  12. o7 brother thank you for all the times you yelled at me on cop
  13. Zamira

    WTS RPK12 Taser

  14. Lemme in coach
  15. HBD @Panda :) now give me a ghawk

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