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Dingle Pooper

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Everything posted by Dingle Pooper

  1. I was a victim of her abuse of power and police brutality, But fr sad to see you step down.
  2. I don't need a giveaway to say FUCK THE APD bunch of body camping for no reason shitlords
  3. @ Grandma Gary Happy birthday you smug piece of shit.

  4. that's a lot of words for an innocent man hmm... he just reeks of guilt I can smell him from here.
  5. You jack-offs need to come to grips like a hand job
  6. You sustained one more year. Congrats! @ GracieGirl

  7. damn tammy selling off all his asset's, trying to become richest man in altis
  8. no fucking way... Dabest was a hilarious guy and always fun to play with, I don't know what to say... we lost a good one
  9. My boy Majestic (RIP MAJ) made a great change by getting house taxes added in and it worked houses went up for sale, they continue to go up for sale if people don't get on to maintain them.. this just seems like punishment for the people who put in the time and money to land these good houses. Yes I have multiple houses, I use them all and each serve a purpose, I continue to play and make money to pay taxes since you bastards raised them, that should be good enough.
  10. this guy was pretty cool... I guess
  11. yeah and bring back my Icecream truck skin and the armed police prowler skin while you at it.
  12. heh got kidnapped by a bunch of saplings
  13. @Mason Harrison happy birthday... little turd

    1. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      Thank you mr dingle!! 🥰

  14. can be tweaked but not removed completely, if I rob a mother fucker he shouldn't be able to come back and shoot me in the back while I lockpick his shit. Also I don't like not being able to respawn where I got killed cause if I am chilling in Kavala and I get RDMed how am I suppose to break NLR to RDM him back?
  15. offer for ENVG's
  16. happy birthday @Zahzi you turd.

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