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Big Steve

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Everything posted by Big Steve

  1. Make a pact to quit with someone
  2. Poppers, yeet.
  3. Smells like weed to me.
  4. Have fun on the trip man! Best corporal for sure.
  5. Just make Kavala a redzone already.
  6. This went downhill fast holy fuck.
  7. Make it a separate engagement message? "Get out of the heli or be rotor-tapped by [X] gang (or APD)". The person who is doing the rotor tapping takes responsibility for doing it correctly.
  8. 1. Your armored (not armed) vehicle is illegal. 2. Cops must wait to call a situation clear before seizing your illegal vehicle (usually around 2 minutes, not 12), this is so that if they tase you, your friends can still come fight for your vehicle. Would you rather them be able to just tase you and take it immediately? Wrong. The deputy vest is called a "cardboard vest" for a reason. Your mk200 with a suppressor is way less OP than my default MX.
  9. Apply under the support tab. Create an R&R application to be considered. You need 20 hours on the server I believe.
  10. So you only have no display, that's significantly better than it not powering on. Try your motherboards hdmi port to see if you get display. If so, it will most likely be an issue with your graphics cards, try one at a time to see if they output display individually, and then retry with your SLI bridge. It may be an issue with your drivers but I don't see that being the cause. If you have a post card on your motherboard (led number thing) tell me the post code and motherboard model. I'm not sure if your PC posted correctly as there isn't a speaker on your motherboard. I would check your power supply as well, it might be dying and not supplying enough power to your sexy SLI. Let me know the results, if your motherboard outputs display, then boot your PC and remove all drivers for your card and reinstall them, make sure they come up correctly without errors in "Device Manager".
  11. 7 or die
  12. My first 3 days as a dep, I bought my loadout 3 times, although the gear isn't as expensive, it happens often enough.
  13. Big Steve


  14. The room and the room 2. Best 3$, roughly 5 hours of gameplay if you're smart.
  15. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/id/thesnoob/#sort=order my steamID/link is "thesnoob", same as my youtube tbh Merry Christmas boys, Happy Holidays for you PC fucks
  16. Nice man, I made my own as well when I got denied for Developer haha. I'll definitely check it out.
  17. I bring a new level of meaning to the term "robocop". Give me PO.
  18. O7
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