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Everything posted by Skorch

  1. taking the reigns, fingers crossed
  2. Skorch


    if they can do that for the type-115, mk-1, etc I don't see what the issue is
  3. make staff 18+ please and make sure their iq isn't below 60. just because a retard can press windows key for hours on end, doesn't mean they are capable of anything. oh big wow, they can fulfill brain dead tasks as a sr. medic managing literally nothing, but that doesn't mean they can use logic and reasoning critically.
  4. why are you getting defensive... lmfao
  5. you've ascended buddy, now leave before you get the urge to come back.
  6. the only tree member that was a fuckin homie @Robinhood will shed a tear
  7. Sent you a pm with my offer
  8. I'll buy em all
  9. Buying Mk-1 Tasers/Pilot coveralls T5 vests as well as flashbangs. PM me if you have any, will buy everything.
  10. bump
  11. bump
  12. bump
  13. PM'd!
  14. Buying all your stock of these things. Send me offers.
  15. you sound like a bitch, and smell like a bitch because you know he can't reply back to you. unban him and let some sparks fly
  16. This guy is the logical response to a situation like this, given the limited information that was revealed. But then you have retards like @above with processing speeds of a turtle fucking, and no thoughts to their response.
  17. who is on the vigi civ council?  some changes need to be made.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Skorch


      @Proud o7 harder cringelord

    3. proud
    4. Skorch


       nobody > prepubescent white kid who throws tantrums on video games


  18. no, keep it simple for the time being.
  19. I've purchased almost 10-15 fully upgraded hatchbacks and I'm down to 2. I constantly have to repurchase them, and it's not worth taking a video every time we lose it.
  20. scripter on S1, oly staff not doing much about it

  21. He cl'ed over water, so his bones were irretrievable. if goat was the one who processed my ticket, he forgot to send them to jail. we got the bounty comp as well from @MAV
  22. that bounty should be 0. you combat logged on us when we were flying you to vigi outpost. @an overweight giant retard ticket #97640, why does he still have his bounty if he combat logged.
  23. as much shit as I've said about kgb josh, he's just a little kid. however, a really dumb one at that.
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