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Everything posted by Hunter

  1. no life lmao I barely play anymore on olympus
  2. I'm losing brain cells talking to him When you come up with stupid ideas and try and claim they are good you deserve to be ridiculed
  3. your talking in ifs also if you act stupid you should expect to be shit talked
  4. I shit talk because I find it funny you getting upset and you acting dumb
  5. Learn how to spell please
  6. if your posting stupid shit that gives everyone the right to be a dick to you all you do is post random shit nonstop
  7. no shit OLY is toxic not as toxic as rust tho all you do is post retarded shit that's why people are toxic to you
  8. bruh server rules are braindead simple ^
  9. If you think a wipe will fix things your braindead
  10. Merge s1 and s2 servers are dead

    1. Joce


      who gets to keep thier houses?

    2. Bloodmoon


      Make a new server and close both, that way people from both servers will have to get houses again.

  11. 1 crate 800 2 crate 1500 3 crate 2100 4 crate 2800
  12. make a Olympus rust server the community would fit in with the environment of rust nicely 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Monks


      They are already working on stuff like this as well as mc, gta, etc.

    3. drama
    4. Orgondo


      Will never happen because like it has been for the past 6 years. A server on a new game will get made, then staff will never get assigned to it and nothing will ever happen with it. Also said Staff especially on Rust have to be decently active and be ready to update the server on wipe/force or else no players will return which was a past issue. 

  13. if it was made a true democracy (no nation has instituted a true democracy) then the people who live in more rural states in the mid west and in Alaska there vote would count less and the political candidates would just ignore them completely California 13,055,815 6,527,908 55 Texas 7,999,657 3,999,829 38 New York 7,081,536 3,540,769 29 Florida 8,492,175 4,246,088 29 Pennsylvania 5,755,620 2,877,811 20 Illinois 5,251,432 2,625,717 20 Ohio 5,590,934 2,795,468 18 Michigan 4,745,316 2,372,659 16 Georgia 3,908,369 1,954,185 16 North Carolina 4,505,372 2,252,687 15 New Jersey 3,651,140 1,825,571 14 TOTAL 35,018,692 270 TOTAL U.S. VOTES 129,237,642 538 SHARE OF TOTAL 27.1% 50.2% you can win the USA election by winning those states well only winning 27.1% of the popular vote (sorry for the old date is from 2012 election). Well a true democracy sounds nice it is just not practical in the application of it.
  14. correction meant to say the people refusing to wear masks are dumb*
  15. The thing is Nerdy it is a balancing act if we shut down all schools and shut the country down effectively it would be detrimental to the economy on the contrary if we open up completely then it will have much higher infections rates and more fatality rates. In the end you have to not go to close to either extremes to attempt to avoid both of there consequences. (By the way all the people saying wearing masks are idiots)
  16. On the matter of him pushing for schools to open it is understandable if they continue to do distance learning in schools it won't effect the higher grade level's mid-high school but the main thing it will effect if they keep school's closed is the elementary students. on your comment on getting rid of the electoral collage I believe is a bad decision because that would make it so the larger states will only decide the elections well the smaller states won't matter in the election. On you comment on Bipartisanship is dead is very true and it is quite sad that as Americans we can not work across party lines to achieve a common goal.
  17. If Biden can just shut up and not do anything dumb till 2020 and let trump dig himself his own grave then Biden will win 2020
  18. Yikes ce85cb5379def88716b28f81bb025759.png

    @Headless need's that promotion to get those numbers down

    1. destruct


      They've been way higher than that before, imo that's an ok number

    2. lvy


      99compslol.png.254232ba906bdd0aca77428da9432053.png atleast it aint this

  19. With the 15 min timer for all federal event’s does that mean after 1 bank vault blows you have to wait 15 mins to blow another one up?
  20. sorry to ruin your moment but https://gyazo.com/7e9e13ed72c7b521023a7a39aadc0d7e @EricTheOneAndOnly
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