Hello Everyone,
I’m thrilled to join the team, and it really is an honor to fulfill the position of Community Manager for Olympus. As your new Community Manager, my primary goal is to gather feedback and address the new player retention issues at this current time. I’ve had a few unanswered questions about what my duties entail within this role, I’ll provide a brief summary:
Front facing PR Primary form of communication between staff and the community.
RT management for CC Public Posts/Announcements.
General Inquiries.
In-game Events/Informal events.
Organization Moderation of TS/Discord/Forums.
Think of new ideas to drive traffic.
Think of ideas to help smaller groups of people/gangs that struggle to work their way up in the server economically and overall experience.
Over the couple weeks I look forward to speaking with many of you as I come to terms with the new role.
If you’d like to provide some feedback to be reviewed by myself and members of the Senior Staff about pressing issues please use this Google Form and if you fill out the form and provide your Steam ID then you will receive $500k (ends 7/18/23):
Also here are the Olympus giveaways you have been waiting for, don’t forget to register (ends 7/18/23 at 9:00PM EST):