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Everything posted by Sagebrush

  1. U still looking for a place?
  2. i may have a house for you, got to streighten up some things first and scout its location to properly determine price, ( i know it is near to meth pro but i dont remember how far exactly) and yes i still have the deed.
  3. il i need to straighten up some of my houses and housing space and this will take a week, but i will buy the dp 2 garage for 3 mill. could you send a screenshot for the garage so that i know if dp 2 is the site im thinking of.
  4. i have a couple my old gang leader and co leader made about a year ago sadly i doubt i could share them given that one is obscene, and the other in horribly racist. and i don't want to be banned from the forums.
  5. I have far more than that in other assets.
  6. How much for spar 16s?
  7. 8m is pennies you farmer.
  8. S3 is worthless
  9. 1 ghawk = 2 rolls of tp.
  10. I use it because when you play antistazi solo you have to abuse your peeks, and the wider the angle the better
  11. Mar 10 typically when less than 1000m is a 1 tap, if arround 1200 meters, may be a 2 tap.
  12. The katiba gets little love considering its less accurate than the mx, fires slower than the type 115 and cant accept large magasines like the spar 16 series, ak 12, and mx series. And is in general overpriced for what it provides. so what if a (lethal 6.5) katiba gl (smokes and flares only) were released for rebels to buy? Would you use it, and should it be added?
  13. Sagebrush

    WTB mar 10

    What kind of mar 10 are you looking for? Lethal or tazer?
  14. Literally worthless Like srs who even needs a kavala 4 crater.
  15. Bomos a land that is and shal forever be worthless, a land simply not worth conquering, oe even living in for that matter.
  16. I once slingloaded a strider on top of kavala apd. Then crashed into a pole while flying away.
  17. Tbh fuck ghandi, he wasent even all that good.
  18. Used noble as a viable in a c++ program, because i play too much of this infernal server and lack imagination.
  19. Sagebrush


    U must be the only one rdmed, and never rdm
  20. The insanity that was the 2016 election, that shit was so funny.
  21. How much for the 762 sup
  22. Tldr
  23. Didnt i buy one from you a month ago
  24. Does nooooaaaaah know that you are cheating on him like this.
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