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Everything posted by Monks

  1. so is arma 3 even still fun or do people play because they have nothing else to do lmao

    1. Fusionz
    2. Maddox


      it seems as if you have nothing better to do good sir

    3. Jerrod
  2. Ik you miss me dont worry this will be easyyyyyy
  3. alright guys look out for my un-o7 post
  4. Games done for bro there's no way to fix it
  5. RT
  6. "The Lego Movie: The game" was better
  7. 30M XD
  8. Cringe
  9. Ur so cringe
  10. I shit when shit comes out of my butt
  11. Cock and dick
  12. cheese out here doing gods work
  13. Found this one laying around my pc, old but gold...
  14. Monks


    I disagree, its not like he is 8 or 9 and and barely can sustain himself without his parents, he is 14 and should understand that your going to receive backlash for everything you do.
  15. Monks


    Unpopular opinion: Just because you are young doesn't mean you can act however the fuck you want and not have consequences
  16. Monks


    its not doxxed pictures btw, its pictures from his stream on PUBLIC websites (YT) that people are posting
  17. Monks


  18. Monks


  19. Monks


  20. Monks


    My guy the rep is already gone amd there is nothing to be done
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