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Everything posted by Monks

  1. Listen boys! We are all apart of the same community right? Young SnR Frankie here was just making his shot for supervisor. No need to get angry or call each other names, we are all friends here right?
  2. @Weenieboi for supervisor. Man is a walking legend.
  3. March 15th.
  4. Didn't*
  5. He's just a toxic child who thinks the world revolves around him. Try to ignore him, that's what i do.
  6. Monks


    Imagine using someones age as an insult, something they can't control. Yikes
  7. Ahh i introduce you all to... Hunter or T5 Vigi. The most toxic person on olympus.
  8. factz you definitly aint cuter than @Pledge o7 mighty morphin gamer
  9. Monks


    On spotify just scroll right at the top of the playlist
  10. Monks


    Lmao my playlist small as shit
  11. Monks


    this one goes hard
  12. So what if i happen to fly a plane over a gang shed and happen to parachute out and the plane happens to hit and blow up the gang shed. What then?
  13. Yeah thats rdm. Thats why whenever i engage on someone in a car i say get out without a weapon or put the weapon in your backpack so if they hope out with a weapon i can shoot them. In this case they didnt say that soooooo rdm
  14. Sorry master zazhi i didnt know i thought they were sure to come this update and i was very excited. No need to get sassy
  15. Where are literally half the civ council ideas at. Like this is such a letdown smh
  17. Birb ill sell you a sting taser for 1m very good deal
  18. Monks


    Lemme get 1mil upvotes so i feel good about myself for once in my life @ThatNerdyGuy
  19. Nah bro he's gone to long with out computer gaming. He's dead.
  20. This mans actually has 1mil downvotes... Respect+
  21. Tbh i don't get the hype with a GL underbarrel. just throw the smoke nerd
  22. ? you talking about me ?
  23. How can you be a homophobic and a fag... Literally opposites
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