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Everything posted by Fedot

  1. A better Prank would be to unblacklist me. @G.O.A.T.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. falcon


      youre a waste of a deputy slot man sry

    3. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      damn Fedot really wants that unblacklist. I remember when you were Corp. 

      Some of my first redzone patrols were with you

    4. Fedot
  2. @G.O.A.T. @McDili@EatMeth @Lucki




  3. All i know is TPF is best gang ever

    1. Linka


      we won after tree

  4. Who's complexity?

  5. when BTC crashes and you want to die :(

  6. 10000 mil for DP25
  7. So I'm just gonna Put this out there. [COL] is shit without ahk.


    Salt Below this line


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ScreaM


      name 5 of their songs if youre a real fan

  8. Holy fuck blast from the past
  9. Yeah it wasnt me lol No i got temp banned for this though and i got banned for this
  10. It aint a snitch if u gettin payed.

    @Grandma Gary @MeepZ_


    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I don't think your mountains of dirt on Meepz will be worth much to us =P

  11. So Jehovah witnesses just knocked on my door. I live in the Ghetto.... Nobody is safe

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Should pretend your deaf and use sign language at them.  Assuming they dont know sign language you're golden.  Buggered if they do though =D

    3. Fedot


      When my dog was alive, Id come to the door with him and they would flip shit.

    4. Raine


      @Grandma Gary I don't think I've ever laughed so hard I'm gonna try that next time if I can keep a straight face Hahahaha I took a year of ASL so I know some basic things 

  12. SHout out to @Poseidon for ruining my duping methods ONCE AGAIN

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Lemme just go over your logs ere real quick ;D


    2. Fedot


      Bruh ive been an angel bc I had only one wing before i realized my duping method

  13. Ill accept an Unlimited ARmed Blackfish
  14. Its fairly easy to shoot it down not even 7.62 rips it apart
  15. I pull it one day every week and yall bitch everyday
  16. Obv this has been an issue if you made a handbook update
  17. @brodyunderwood1 i heard u talkin shit 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BlackJack


      Fedot honey please calm down . This isnt highschool.

    3. brodyunderwood1


      I make one joke about a civ ghosthawk and some kid runs and tells fedot I was talking shit. @BlackJack i think this might actually be a highschool

    4. Fedot
  18. The CIA is surprised when criminals who are being blackmailed steal from the blackmailer.... That's some trump logic

    1. RubberDuck


      I don't think I've heard a more dumb statement then that tbh....

  19. As a request of @Grandma Gary


    1. iPopsicle


      It hurts my eyes the fact your OBS records at 15 fps

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