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Everything posted by Fedot

  1. Many people ask me what I play while im in my Kavala Grind. Well here it is.My records show Ive played this about 250+ times


  2. TL;DT: RDMers have evolved past run and gun. They have evolved to communicate to other rdmers. They created this language I dubbed pew pew pow. Not only do they communicate better than half the gangs out there they are better quick peakers than half the gangs out there. Civilians be where! DB has control over the RDMers
      • 1
      • Haha
  3. @Talindor ?

    <16:04:23> You were banned for 5 days from the server by "Talindor" (Yea we dont do that, Have a nice time touching kiddies!   ^____^)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fedot


      who xD unban me ill show you every chat log i have oipen

    3. Sociopathic
    4. Lucki


      47 minutes ago, Sociopathic said:

      17 = kiddies?

      If thats the case, I'm in trouble...

  4. Still trying to come to terms with the fact that I am leaving Olympus...and my sexuality. Any furries out there send me a PM.
  5. there are rules protecting taxis i belive
  6. I wrote all the words in my first post with my own two penises
  7. ba ba ba baited
  8. Shoutouts @Poseidon u got dat bby dik @hitlist Still gonna hit you all off @Ignis u a bitch I have a teeny weeny
  9. That moment when you realize you've been on your bathroom floor for 30 minutes watching a spider and an Ant Battle to the death.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fedot


      me. i killed them both

    3. BraydenTrains
    4. User_0000


      Is that y ur leaving .      










      The house

  10. Squad up @Ignis
  11. Depends on which Uni u go to @Jopple123 is at a shit college and gets no ladies
  12. o7 from DB i will
  13. Shout out to yall Shitty Booters! The best hit so far was a solid 2 gigs for 5 mins. try again boys

    1. LongInactiveAccount


      Meanwhile if I look at my router funny it'll die  :FeelsBad:

  14. @Poseidon I did all that work to make the stats page compatible with the old theme.... and you


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Tman15tmb


      Dammit, I'm out of "likes".

    3. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      The issue is, for a moment, I forgot I was streaming. 

    4. Fedot


      @Peter Long im going to keep reposting until I get post of the day


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bucko


      the instant face of regret

    3. Tman15tmb


      Even though that is a joke and Moob takes jokes pretty well that is still pretty fucked up.

    4. Peter Long
  17. #BringBackDislikeButtons
  18. I wish i had a pulldown script irl

    1. User_0000
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I believe they are called hands.

  19. Shoutout to @Progressive for Anal Raping every month then when I ask for some help they don't buy me dinner.

  20. Not sure if everyone was experiencing this, but whoever keeps fucking ddosing me ill kill u

    1. Bow


      Well you do keep asking for it...

    2. Fedot


      @Bow sometimes i like to pretend im a modern feminist and purposefully make myself a victim

    3. Slaughter


      look, he's dead

  21. My condolences to you n your family
  22. mJ9AwY3.png


    Can anybody tell me what this is?

    1. Main


      SS that ip 


    2. Marty


      idk what you're referring to, Fedot!

    3. Sociopathic


      Well Fedot, this is clearly evidence of your rampant heroin addiction.

  23. Quote of the day 8/3: All for America, fuck the government

    1. Sociopathic


      North or South America? 

    2. Fedot


      North America Best AmericA

  24. Quote of the Day: Bitchs aint shit but hoes and tricks

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