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Everything posted by BENJI

  1. It still says Poseidon is owner when you log in btw
  2. Let me throw away my money in peace dammit
  3. k
  4. Happy Birthday to my counterpart @Airborne  !!!

  5. @bdj
  6. Just in case anyone's looking for some quality content 


  7. Ha, haven't seen you in like 3 years
  8. Suuuuuuh dude
  9. You know The Division 2 is a shit game when it's on sale for 3 fucking dollars


    1. Metal


      Eh, beauty within the eyes of the beholder, plus a new expansion is coming out, so its a luring tactic, get players in with a VERY big discount, then when their finished, wanting more, suck them in with the $30 DLC


    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Its because Tarkov is fucking shitting on them

  10. Asking the real questions
  11. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198137234098#sort=order
  12. Don't be a stranger ya big unit.
  13. Tfw you're doing a jail and the garbage cleanup script despawns all your cars on the bridge 🤔

  14. Later retard @Grego
  15. https://steamcommunity.com/id/B9NJ1/
  16. Hawk: Starts liberation server ....... Hawk: Walks away from keyboard
  17. @Eggman Don't be a stranger, ya big dummy
  18. You must have a pretty sad existence
  19. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/id/B9NJ1/#sort=order
  21. Congrats to my counterpart!! @Airborne

  22. Bro, I'm bout to end this mans whole career
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