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Everything posted by Keithr

  1. Another field event almost done.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. F3AR


      ah gotcha never been in anything other then light lmao

    3. Millennium


      Aren’t you in the box @ Jose Cuervo ?

    4. nman


      Jose works the box @ Millennium

  2. Mom and Pop gyms are the best. I love being able to workout at 11:30PM with no one in the gym.

    1. nman


      u walk in and theres nothing but 2 factory sized industrial fans you know the pump is about to be impeccable 

    2. Keithr


      @ nman Amen. Where I can grunt as loud as I fucking need too.

  3. Bigx ain't fat he just full of lyrics

  4. Happy saturday! Enjoy time with family, play arma, get wasted, go to the club. Just enjoy it because Monday is around the corner for a full week again.

  5. Happy Father’s Day!

  6. image.thumb.jpeg.1de7f190eb1dc9bd2820d348cbbec8a6.jpegJust another days work.

    1. maxg
    2. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      Took yall a half hour to get through processing because you were posing for pictures and jerking eachother off.  

  7. The wife and I just watched the movie In a Violent Nature. Some pretty fucked up death scenes.

  8. We love Stryker commo problems on a Friday when we leave for the field on Monday!

    1. james requis

      james requis

      looks like your working through the weekend my friend. enjoy the 0200 wake up Monday....... thank god my duty station switched to a light unit an got rid of their strykers, i hated those fukn things

  9. Does anyone play ESO and wanna show a newbie the ropes? (new to ESO, not MMOS)

    1. Polly


      MAGSORC is on the up and up ! are you eu or na

    2. Keithr
    3. Polly


      ah damn probably couldnt play with u bc i am currently on EU servers but i can still teach u some stuff, if u have questions add me on discord @polly6969

  10. We're back

    1. Ajax


      welcome back


  11. I unfortunately have missed 4 of the last 7 weekends due to being pulled every Saturday to start a field event /:

  12. What are the most enjoyable games everyone is playing atm?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Noble


      life, shits cool, save up for a trip and travel the world

    3. hawkg


      Gaming is shit right now

    4. Keithr


      @ Noble  Traveling the world at the expense of the military 🙂

  13. Question for y’all who lift out their with an upper lower split, how many sets would you do in one session?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. hawkg


      @ KeithR  what are you hitting 2morrow

    3. Keithr


      @ hawkg It's weird I due power hypertrophy upper lower split but I also have one day to just do body weight calisthenics for the army combat fitness test. So I'm doing the calisthenics tomorrow. I did upper today.

    4. Not Skateezy -Don't Ban-

      Not Skateezy -Don't Ban-

      whats ur discord let me send u this pdf

  14. Getting CS gassed and a 16 mi. ruck tomorrow. Can't wait 🙂

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Keithr


      @ -Shawn-  We did have them do that to us in OSUT though lmao.

    3. -dante-


      It’s the best. My first time I was like grabbing my battles back in front of me and trying to launch my self in the air for air while he was trying to get as low as possible. One of the funniest times in basic for me. And a kid getting clotheslined while trying to run out of the room 

    4. Orbit


      goodluck boss!

  15. we love 24 hr staff duty💕

  16. I’ll be back once my Infantry training is over

  17. damn I’m your standard member now

  18. Happy Father’s Day everyone! To those without a father to celebrate with you’re in our hearts too.

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