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Everything posted by Raquese

  1. o7
  2. @hellstorm258 1-2m I personally wouldn't even buy one, has shit armor and the HMG does have a 4x zoom but overall is a shitty gun, Buy a armed quilin for 2m at rebel
  3. Raquese

    Fuck Ivy

    @|REAL| The Cowboy
  4. If anyone plays GTFO, lmk need a group 😄

  5. Does anyone have any recommendations for a pistol mounted rds? I was looking at the Trijicon RMR and the Vortex Venom but any input would be appreciated 🙂

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      If it's for carry, then give the RMR a look. Give the Holosun 507C a look as well. As I understand it, the 507C uses the same mounting hardware as the RMR and it's just as sturdy, but at half the cost. Do your research first. If you do decide on the RMR, make sure it's the RMR Type 2. The Type 1 has a tendency to flicker under recoil.

    3. Raquese


      @Fat Clemenza I ordered the new 2020 vp9 so I got some time before it gets shipped to my FFl, I'll have to check out the holosun tho

    4. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      I’d also recommend suppressor-height night sights as backup sights. Check out Trijicon or Night Fision for that. 

  6. send me a offer
  7. Offer
  8. Excuse him everyone, he has a severe case of "The Retard"
  9. The people below me are Heros

  10. Mine is for sale for 30m
  11. TFM when everyone is going insane over a rank on a video game tho

  12. Damn It sounds dope af too
  13. You got a link to the 1v9, I wanna see it
  14. https://steamcommunity.com/id/Astupidtrex/
  15. Fuck all goyems on some Hebrew shit

  16. @rapidaax When they start the speedboat minigun fights
  17. Alpha
  18. Raquese


  19. Raquese

    Yang 2020

    @gaz https://imgur.com/a/70FyPKA
  20. It do be like that
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