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Everything posted by TheHeroNoob

  1. ill trade you a pack of Marlboro red 100s for a winning ticket jewman
  2. knew you could do my little rice farmer@ KermitZooicide  🥰

  3. https://embrace-autism.com/raads-r/

    Who's getting the high-score?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. nicole
    3. notsodank


      Hero got a 250 and want to make sure he isn't the only one

    4. doubleueyeceekay


      i got 187 i am the smartest out of everyone on this forum

  4. o7 Shittage 23 when?
  5. Redeploy what? 😎 @ Rexo


    @ knifemaster  ty for your service this guy was being a really mean bully 😞🫡

    1. knifemaster


      lol i totally forgot about that!

  6. @ Jooe and @ Ross_ were my two friends that introduced me to the server back in 2019 and to this day I still run it with the boys. First time on the server they gave me a rook in Kavala and told me to shoot a medic, which I did (no regrets sorry Marcus :P). I've met a ton of great people on this server and have a lot of fond memories gaming with them whether it was on the server, another game, or just a late night TS/Discord shit talking session. Here's to at least another 10 years of fun and brain aneurysms
  7. https://imgur.com/gallery/2voBiDf all on right arm/shoulder, def plan on getting more
  8. they'll just pull them on anyone
  9. Is it pronounced Pyrgos or Pyrgos? 🤔

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Milo


      I feel like it's definitely pronounced "pie-gross" but "pier-gross" has been said so often that it's valid too. I also feel like people who play primarily civ say "pie-gross" while people that say "pier-gross" primarily play cop haha.

    3. -dante-


      Anyone who says PIE is wrong. 

    4. Element_


      The town is usually full of the grossest people that inhabit the server so:


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