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Everything posted by eknjack

  1. Noctua have extremely good air coolers kek
  2. I demand a Huey with a g horn that plays fortunate son at 200 dB
  3. @NahBruhNotTodayfucking idiot not comping you 


  4. dont yall do weed all day or sumthin?
  5. your an idiot, you make 200k+ if your a lucky mf, most of the time its between 130k and 190k with an average of about 160-170k
  6. story of my life
  7. happy birthday harry potter @Noble

  8. testicle
  9. hate that mike lit cunt
  10. @Mike Liti hate you

    1. eknjack


      never mind, love you mike ❤️ 

  11. who was it
  12. traplords doesn’t camp airfields, we rock up to kill the people camping so our boys can fly peacefully Your one of them
  13. crawford and the indian scams, no one else does
  14. hello someone please make VPN ban a 1min rather than 15, thank you.

  15. anyone who can’t fly camps the airfields kekw Also that SUPERIOR GAMER Anti keeps titanning planes over Theresa air
  16. can someone please tell me how a 600m shot is only 1 WP?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. eknjack


      that is horse shit

    3. Skys


      go back to anzus and make a crash report coast guard boy xD

    4. eknjack


      sorry @Skysbanned for a month x

  17. pepsi tastes like flat coke, no thank you, coke all the way
  18. nice
  19. thought you played on a laptop
  20. wdym admin features
  21. why tf is @Mike Hawk an admin, fuck that guy

  22. noob
  23. Regal needs some serious medical help
  24. nah it’s ight the dumb Harry Potter lookin ass needs called a retard every now and then
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