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Everything posted by evannnn

  1. very epic black screen in middle of conquest ! ! !

  2. more gangs push cap plox

  3. yeah just have it bound to mouse 5 and hold it out of habit very useful 10/10 would recommend
  4. why cant i hit purchase previous loadout at rebel so i dont have to resave kits 

    would b cool if this was a thing

    1. Mighty


      Is it possible we could get an option to save three different kits? @Civak

    2. Metal


      @Mighty What is this? Arma or CoD? 
      im joking, I can feel @Civak’a blood pressure rising though

  5. 8/10
  6. do less conquests so they dont get so boring

    just my opinion

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horizon


      damn staff don't do enough now staff do too much guess y'all can never win

    3. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      Definitely feel like there’s room for 5ish a week. I like those times you mentioned @SPBojo but I’d include like a 9PM EST on Sunday’s/Saturday’s

    4. evannnn


      idk maybe just dont do like so many in a row at one time

      spread them out or some shit, or maybe its just me. the event is dope tho

  7. not zuggy no it cant be
  8. evannnn


    you wont be missed santa boy
  9. does my post still need to be approved by a mod

    edit: no it doesnt

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