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Fat Clemenza

Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Fat Clemenza

  1. Matt Shanks is Dustin87's little brother. Just letting everyone know.
  2. I might make a poll about this, but the new dying and revive system is a step backwards. It's first-person, so you can just lie there to look around and tell your friends where the bad guys are, there isn't a timer, it only tells you the nearest medic and how many are on (no distance), you can't type in any chat, and you can't tell if a medic's reviving you or not since there isn't an animation. The old system was fine and we ought to go back to it; it wasn't broken, so it shouldn't have been fixed.
  3. He's from the South. Give him a break.
  4. Fat Clemenza


    Losing someone whom you care for greatly is never an easy thing, Linka. I'll keep you and yours in my mind and my prayers. You can contact me in either TS if you want to speak with me about anything. Keep your head up dude.
  5. I called it from the very beginning. Now all of the idiots who jumped on the bandwagon to vape while they listen to their EDM instead of switching from cigarettes to a less lethal nicotine source are FUCKED! I love being right!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      All the streamers do it. It's like what the "kool" kids do today. You can't be a successful streamer if you are not smoking them e-cigarettes. 

  6. I'm not a fan of your all or nothing approach. If we applied Rebel Raiding guidelines to cartels, then I'd be in favor of it. However, it should be noted that cartels didn't exist before the wipe and there wasn't a problem. I'll not be voting as it's currently all or nothing.
  7. Spent some time playing cop on the new map. Odin, Poseidon, Toe Knee, and the rest of the staff who have taken part in the development and release of this update have truly outdone themselves. This map is great. Simply great. Good job. 

    1. ToeKnee


      Thanks bro ski 

    2. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      I agree with clamenza, very good job :))

  8. Keeping a Glock 19 within arm's reach when I'm endlessly having to respond to civilian-sided engagements while on cop probably isn't the very best idea. It's going to stay on the nightstand from now on.

    1. Dustin87


      ELPRESADOR is ruining your life.

    2. Orgondo
  9. This video never gets old. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctLM0_eE42w

    1. Juwanna Man

      Juwanna Man

      Your rage last night was almost on that level 

  10. Hot damn, @Ace I declare I am truly S-M-A-S-H-E-D. To you and yours, Happy Thanksgiving. 

    1. Tman15tmb


      Clemenza is white girl wasted? Two in too deep? 

    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Two gin tonics, two bottles of Guinness, two glasses of wine, and a glass of scotch. 

    3. Dustin87


      u fucking lightweight mongol

  11. She's not interested. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ventar
    3. Pringle Mccringleberry

      Pringle Mccringleberry

      fuck her right in the pussy

    4. Dustin87


      Things will get better. :( There is plenty more fish in the sea, most of them just look like moob sadly.

  12. Fat Clemenza


    This is the fool who's been throwing up the good, eh? Credit where credit's due. Mas chingon, ese.
  13. Obviously war zone will be removed altogether which is a good thing. I still don't like the idea of cartels because the bigger gangs will just fight there all reset and the smaller drug runners will get screwed over by the cops who are looking for any morsel of crime to fight. Either remove the fuckers altogether or let the APD go in to the remaining cartels to neutralize. Rebel raid guidelines should apply in this case.
  14. I saw this coming, but I'm still quite sad to you leave, Moose. Obviously real life will always take precedence over a video game, so I wish you good luck and good fortune with the goals you've set for yourself.
  15. "The general population of African Americans are mostly criminals." There are statistics that back up that claim, but it sounds stupid if you, a young white male, follow up by conspiring to buy a firearm illegally.
  16. "They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them." -Robert Laurence Binyon
  17. Just finished registering for my final semester of community college. I'll be graduating in May with an Associate Degree in Administration of Justice and transferring to California State University Fullerton to pursue a Bachelor's Degree in Public Administration. I didn't think I'd make it this far, but I have and I am proud of my achievement.

  18. Yes Gary, that is indeed me.
  19. Thanks for the kind words and happy wishes, gentlemen. They do not fall on deaf ears, just ringing ears, haha!
  20. Probably shouldn't have had six beers in 45 minutes. Going to class hungover, ladies and gentlemen. 

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Fat Clemenza
    3. Orgondo


      10/10 for spelling though.

    4. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      For a drunk guy, I didn't do too bad for myself.

  21. Made my first legal alcohol purchase minutes after I turned 21.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Virus1


      Happy Birthday!

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I've been legally allowed to buy booze for 9 years now... damn, sad times. 

  22. Good point. Like New In Box MAR-10 for sale, people.
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