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Fat Clemenza

Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Fat Clemenza

  1. Why you shouldn't shoot at GhostHawks...


    1. Dustin87


      Nice job running people off the server gg

    2. Mr Kevin

      Mr Kevin

      Doesn't phase me. I'll shoot at a ghosthawk when I want!

  2. I didn't give it to Larry per se. He wanted a Hatchback full of apples in exchange for the safe return of Deputy dubVee. Being that I was the negotiator, I had to disarm, so I put my weapons in my Hatchback. Once I delivered the Hatchback to Larry, he demanded that I give him the keys so he could drive off with apples. I complied, but I had forgotten that my weapons were still in the vehicle. By the time I realized my mistake, Larry was already driving off into the sunset with the Four-Five, MAR-10, and 40 apples. Thank God each weapon had only one magazine loaded and no spares. You've got a very expensive paperweight
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciPu4DnKBuM
  4. Thanks for the clarification.
  5. Not sure if you know, Odin, but the Sergeant uniform is gone and I am still able to buy Hunters. The GhostHawk is skinned for me however. Pretty stoked on this update, man.
  6. If you looked up MCPD in the dictionary, you'd find conjecture in the list of synonyms. Let me bring some evidence to the table. McDili fires MC cops on the daily; anyone remember John Wayne, Mory Mango, and Toe Knee? McDili fired all three of them in a lot less than twelve units of time. In addition to that, Brody and Gidgit's playtime on civilian is nonexistent or as near as damn it; I'm sure there are nuns who have sex more than those two play civilian. Thirdly, if Gary doesn't want someone to be promoted, all he has to do is say no. He's the CoP and therefore his word is final. I'll say this as well: we watch everyone. Time is not the only factor, but if you're only putting in fourty-two minutes in per week, like a good friend of mine from Puerto Rico, then don't be surprised when you're passed over by people who are just as good as you, but put in much more time than you. Put that in your fucking pipe and smoke it. Clemenza out.
  7. Welcome. Never been to SF, but I hear it's a crazy place. Might have to drive up there some day; I've got a few friends that go to SFSU and UC Berkeley.
  9. Hillary Clinton's a murdering communist, Bernie Sanders is a spineless socialist, and Joe Biden (he'll run too) is off of his rocker. Whoever gets the Republican nomination gets my vote. I think Rubio and Fiorina are strong candidates, but I like Cruz, Trump, and Paul as well.
  10. The little rug rat's permed from Asylum as well. They're fresh out of options it seems.
  11. I can see it now: Ace with his feet propped up on his desk with a glass of whiskey is his hands and a smug expression on his face thinking to himself "I freakin' told you so."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ace
    3. Rich Homie Quan

      Rich Homie Quan

      pbr and classy can't be used in the same sentence 

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      bud light? Let us know when you move on from ladies drinks.

  12. Some cool high-speed footage of a Wilson Combat 1911. http://youtu.be/jig-RvZr1OM

    Larry Vickers is a mega couch commando though. 

  13. For those who have not seen it yet, the new SrAPD tracksuit uniform.


    1. Matt (Barbosa)

      Matt (Barbosa)

      I dont want to be rude but the new uniforms are disgusting. White shirt and track pants? -_-

  14. Hard work pays off, ladies and gentlemen. I earned a B in my math class. Now it's time to replicate the result for the second math class in the same semester. 

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Congrats.  Hated math back in college, but it's paying off now ( literally ) ;) 

    2. Dustin87


      Congrats clemenza! I still need to pass mine.... have a 59% as of now.

    3. Virus1


      I'm on MC teamspeak give me a poke when you get back.

  15. What Meth said. Comp or ban. It's been around since the beginning of the server.
  16. Or you could just refrain from being a nimrod and, you know, not shoot a fucking explosive device in the middle of a police station...
  17. What kind of cop tries to detonate an explosive while his colleagues are trying to process people? I'll tell you: a stupid cop. Common sense is uncommon while stupidity is prolific.
  18. Terrorists get smashed. http://allenbwest.com/2015/09/watch-boom-terrorists-get-a-dose-of-divine-justice/

    1. Adaptation


      Get a free vacation to guantanamo bay

  19. Dutch? I thought Mr. Panda was Netherlandian. -Luke Duke



  20. The time has come for me to get an Animal Style 4x4 w/Animal Style Fries. Here I go. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dustin87


      animal style has "Special sauce" (some sort of thousand island relish sorta thing really good) and then it also has grilled onions.

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Animal style fries: cheese, thousand island, and cheese on the fries. Animal style burger: burger of your choice with hand-leafed lettuce, tomato, a mustard cooked beef patty; add pickle, extra spread with grilled onions

    4. Thomas


      Thats how they come here in tx.  You have to request grilled onions tho

  21. What? I got a lot of good RP out of executions.
  22. Haven't had an In-N-Out Burger in forever. Might go for a 3x3 Animal Style and Animal Style Fries on Thursday after school. I'm a Californian for fuck's sake! I should be having one once a week.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Thomas


      Your little skinny ass can't handle the double double dustin.  You probably only eat half.  But seriously in N out and mooyah have the best burgers all other places can suck a fat clemenza

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      "Suck a Fat Clemenza." That's priceless. I'll keep that in mind, hahaha!

    4. Dustin87


      my mom says clemenza sounds like a STD.

  23. As I said before, the man is severely drunk. He was at a wedding all day and probably drank his weight in booze. I can vouch for him.
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