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Fat Clemenza

Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Fat Clemenza

  1. He actually looks and sounds like a Paul.
  2. That moment when you have 9,000 rounds of 9mm, 13 Rooks, 11 PDWs, and 8 Stings in your Kavala Scat Pad. #MyAmbitionzAzAHoardah

    1. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      *House gets searched*

    2. Brennan


      Good thing none of those items are illegal.

  3. Oh man that second video has me in tears laughing man. He shoots you a few times, hesitates, and offs you, hahaha!!!
  4. Had a coroner's investigator come to my class to lecture. Saw at least 50 pictures of dead people. Really interesting, but I don't think I'll be eating anytime soon...

    1. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      I LOVE THEM PICS. No joke, I think I'm a psycho.

  5. Those are drag radials... There's no problem here. Z06 is better suited for the bends, but the huge output makes it a good drag car provided you can put the power down... which is accomplished by, inter alia, drag radials.
  6. It'd be relatively simple to circumvent this restriction. E.G. Let's say I have a gang of thirty guys, The Compton Thugs, or [CPT] and this restriction is implemented. Our gang now has to [CPT] keeps 15 while the other 15 form The Long Beach Thugs, or [LBC]. We use the TS to coordinate our drug runs, robbing, etc. and split the cartels down the middle. We're still the same gang because we're never going to go at each other. We'll work together as if nothing changes. This kind of restriction would be a waste of time because the staff would do all the work to implement only to find the situation I mentioned above, and not the result they'd want.
  7. Hey Huskers. Boston>New York.

    1. Dustin87
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      I just realized how ironic this looks considering Clemenza is from New York.

    3. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      Park the car at Harvard Yard

  8. This post has me laughing so hard, dude. I could just see it happening right now.
  9. This song gets down, mang.

    1. Warfare


      Pretty sure one of them said "lets go bust a nut in one of these cows"

    2. HamOfMoose


      cowads that slang too hard :o

  10. I'm a little divided on this matter. I think the prevalence of infantile pillocks in online gaming is just a large part of the package deal that is online gaming. That doesn't make the offenders any less guilty of being an apocalyptic dingleberry, but if we lower our expectations and learn to expect that behavior more often, then it becomes easier to ignore or deal with. The problem with our generation today is that the majority of people under the age of thirty-five have very thin skin. I mean, for God's sake, somebody's being a dick to you, but they're hundreds of miles away and behind the safety of a computer screen. For me at least, I don't lose sleep at night when a guy like honeybooboo incessantly gives me shit because I know that he's thousands of miles away from me and is only being a dick because his computer screen can't get up and blast him. I am concerned that some people are getting so riled up about being mistreated on a video game. None of these people should mean anything to you. This isn't just happening in gaming. It's happening everywhere too. "It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so fucking what" (Stephen Fry). Take a step back and realize you're playing a video game. Expect the trolls and it'll be a million times easier to deal with them. If any of you girls are wanting a career in law enforcement, then I'd say look for a career elsewhere. The "harassment" you're experiencing here could not hold a candle to the kind of harassment you'll receive working a twelve-hour-shift as a female Sheriff's deputy in the jail. At the end of the day, this whole thing is much ado about nothing.
  11. That moment when you spawn without your MXM, go to escort a prisoner, game crashes due to some sort of server side bug, and your own officer sends your bones to jail. Now I'm sittin' here for a half hour. ArmA just wants to watch the world burn.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Moose


      I would feel bad if this was anyone but clemenza

    3. Thomas


      that moment when a crook kills you with a rook

    4. DeathDingo


      Sounds like my last 12 hours lol

  12. I knew a few kids in the sixth grade that could pass for 16 and I knew some sophomores that could pass for 12. There are some people on the APD that are 16 and over, but don't act nor sound like 16. Conversely, there are kids on the APD that are below 16, but are mature (in voice and actions) far beyond their years. That's purely an observation I've made. However, there are people on the APD (one person in particular that I'm very suspicious of, but I'll not give a name) that are below 16 and wouldn't know maturity if it slapped them across the face. They figure they can get on the force because of their lower voices and their lying prowess. My only hope is that they're caught and dealt with accordingly.
  13. I agree with you, Goldberg. We do get ahead of ourselves sometimes. On the other hand, if we want to RP Greece, then all of us might as well be poor and on the brink of bankruptcy... like the real Greece.
  14. Sorry, but in RL you can be legally armed with "heavy weaponry." In fact, most of the convicts run around with pistol-calibre weapons and the occasional shotgun because they're cheap. Most law-abiding citizens tend to be of a higher socioeconomic class, so having a semi-automatic rifle chambered in .308 Winchester and having Level III body armour is very feasible and far from illegal in RL. So here's what I'm trying to say: make a special license available for civilians that can be purchased at the DMV for $50k. Call it the "Armed Citizen" license. This license ought to enable people to buy, from the gun store, a GA Carrier Rig Lite or Carrier Rig Lite, and a Mk14 as that is the non-tacticool version of the Mk18. This is completely feasible and would give the people running oil, diamonds, platinum, etc a chance to fight off Johnny Reb. If you don't think this is feasible from legal RL perspective, then visit these two links. http://www.ar500armor.com/plate-carriers/plate-carrier-packages-w-armor.html http://www.springfield-armory.com/products/standard-m1a/
  15. Thrones was quite good

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ToeKnee


      i heard the first 4 episodes was leaked

    3. Fat Clemenza
    4. Pringle Mccringleberry

      Pringle Mccringleberry

      just watched all the leaked once and i must say WOW

  16. That'll be the first time a woman has ever been arrested for C.P.C. 261.5, hahaha!
  17. Registered for Summer classes. Taking Into to Administration of Justice and Criminal Law I. Should be a decent Summer Session.

  18. Here's the video of the server bombing. Pay attention to the kill feed to see what cops were on at the time. I left immediately after the bombing to make this video, so I'm sure it was a handful of deputies that gave you a hard time. http://youtu.be/tcF7NxWuZC0
  19. I went off-duty after the server got bombed. I think there were three or four deputies on at that juncture. Talk to me a little later and I'll get you names. I've got video footage of the server bombing so we ought to be able to get the names of the cops from the kill feed.
  20. No issues here, man. I've never heard of the problem before either. Looks like you're up the river for now :/
  21. Sounds like projection to me, bud. Ring me when you make Sgt. I may be in my 60s by then.
  22. I've just upgraded from a six-year-old pair of glasses to a set of contact lenses. Everything looks so clear. I've also got a pair of these. http://www.oakley.com/en/covert-prizm-daily-twoface/product/W0OO9189PZDCOV

  23. I hope he's leaving... The child is insufferable.
  24. "It is easy to be brave from a safe distance."
  25. Great suggestion, Gary. I stand by that 100%
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