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Fat Clemenza

Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Fat Clemenza

  1. Too far.
  2. Where da phuck was this guy when I retired after eight months of distinguished Chiefsmanship?
  3. You may have me beat by two months for time served, but I've got you by seven months for time served as Chief, maddafucka. O7 FGAU.
  4. Vodka Martini. Shaken, not stirred. 

  5. So two guys walk into a bar. One guy says to the other "Tiocfaidh ár lá." The other guy says to the first guy "For God and Ulster." Then the bar explodes. Fin 

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      There was supposed to be a picture of the pope speaking, but I guess the forums are too Proddy for that. 

  6. Last Christmas, I gave you my sash, but the very next day you gave it taigs; This year let me make something clear, my uncle was in the B Specials

  7. Sooooo, now that I'm retired and collecting a pension, we ought to go to PAX East together...

    1. ToeKnee


      Yo I'm serious I'll go too

    2. Moose


      You and sloth would make ugly babies 

    3. platinumfire


      I already have tickets :) 

  8. Well the bhoys were clean demented, to the ground wee Will was thrown, they kicked his ribs in one-by-one to the tune of Garryowen. They threw him out the window to the sound of old Sinn Féin, they  kicked him all down Sandy Row to A Nation Once Again

    1. Lucki


      How the fuck were you awake at that time. You were fucking sloshed in TS 8 hours ago...

    2. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      I always knew you were an undercover fenian.

  9. After two years on the APD,and eight months as Chief of Police, I have decided to retire from the APD. I've accomplished everything I've set out to do, so I feel it's a good time to pass the torch to Corporal_moob. I enjoyed my time on the APD. The friends I've made along the way will remain close to me and the experiences won't be forgotten any time soon. If you asked me two years ago if I ever had a shot at CoP, I'd have told you to get outta town. I never imagined myself at the helm, but somehow it worked out that way. Anything's possible if you put your nose to the grinder and work for it. Cheers.
  10. So basically, basically what ya sayin is, you won fuck awll.
  11. Happy Birthday, Scroty Dunderwood! Celebrate responsibly. 

  12. Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DoctorK


      Real talk I voted for Trump. Tis just a meme


    3. Moose


      I don't think Clemenza appreciated you posting his pic on here. Just sayin

    4. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Happy late birthday, Tai!

  13. Gimme a source.
  14. Handbook and Ticket Guide will be updated in due course.
  15. HA! Get outta town.
  16. Corporal?
  17. I've not read the entire thread, but I legged someone through a sheet metal fence with an AKM at the dump near Meth Lab.
  18. My fingers are black with carbon and my room smells of gun oil and barrel solvent. #PAXEast

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. iPopsicle


      @CommanderSuki just because you say open rp doesn't mate it okay lol

    3. CommanderSuki


      What cleaning a gun barrel? there's nothing more satisfying than sitting with a beer and cleaning a gun

    4. Lethals Loaded
  19. One dedicated Cleveland Browns fan...



    1. ScreaM


      Cleveland Browns <3

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